This blog is about my journey though my pregnancy and the life a head. I will be one to warn, it isn't easy, and it isn't perfect, and I'm going to be totally honest in this blog. It may Trigger, upset, or offend. Read at your own risk. Thank you, and have a wonderful day!! 

I think I'm cursed. :x
Posted October 19th 2012 at 11:46 PM by Mrs.DannyWorsnop
So, right when I think everything is going great, everything goes horribly wrong. I decided to go to the McDaniels Center. Its actually not that bad, not that bad at all. I think I'm going to enjoy it. I finally got everything where I wanted it, and I just found out right after school, that I'm summoned to court Thursday. It really upsets me. My dad said he was going to take my side, and that he dosen't think that they will send me to jail because I'm pregnant, but I'm expecting the worse, and it really scares me. I have less than a week away from finding out whats going to happen, and I couldn't be more nervrous. :x Please keep me in your prayers, and pray that the baby stays safe, no matter what happens. Thanks for the support guys!
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