This blog is about my journey though my pregnancy and the life a head. I will be one to warn, it isn't easy, and it isn't perfect, and I'm going to be totally honest in this blog. It may Trigger, upset, or offend. Read at your own risk. Thank you, and have a wonderful day!! 

The prelude.
Posted October 14th 2012 at 05:27 PM by Mrs.DannyWorsnop
I guess I will make a quick run down of everything that has happend up to this point. My name is Danielle, I'm 17 years old, a senior in highschool, and I'm soon to be a teen mom. The first person to honestly know was my big sister Heaven. She helped me buy a test and she read it after I had taken it, being as she has already had 3 kids, her first at 16, she didn't do the typical yelling, but she did give me and my boyfriend Jordan "The talk about pregnancy" I was pretty odd hearing it from her, because I never expected to get pregnant, but I suppose we all slip up sometimes, right? The day after she took me to the health department and we made it offical. I called and had told my mother, who is a huge drug addict and so she was excited rather than disapointed. Jordan and I had decided to keep it a secret, until I turn 18 (November 6th), but things started getting harder. I needed to go to the doctor, and had no way without parent premission, so I would have to sneak out (because I live with my over bearing dad), and I would have to hide my prenatals and all the baby stuff I would recieve, it was hard, so I talked to Jordan and we finally made the decision to tell his Parents (Joan and Brian). Jordan and I have been together going on 2 years now, and I had made a great relationship with his family, so it didn't seem to hard telling them. They reacted like I expect normal parents to, which was great, and they offered me to move in with them after I had told my father. Everything was going smooth, until the day came I had enough, and wanted to leave my dads house, so I told him. Joan (Jordan's mother) talked to my dad about it, and told him I could stay here for the time being, I was soon to be 18 and then Jordan and I could move out on our own, which sounded like a great plan to me. After about two hours on the phone (poor Joan) My dad agreed, and I moved all of my things in the next day. Now I barely talk to my father or mother, and I live with Jordan at his parents house. It is hard, and Jordan and I do fight and argue, but I couldn't have asked for a more supportive family.
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