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just some thoughts on life i am deciding to write a blog
maybe it will be some sort of therapy
maybe it will help
maybe it wont
maybe people will read it
maybe they wont
i guess ill find out


Posted May 11th 2009 at 05:55 AM by morethanuseless (This is what it comes down to)

The switchfoot concert was awesome!!!!!!!
I had such a good time. That band is truly an amazing group of people.
and I just wanted to say that my mom is the best, she is he strongest person I know and she is always there for me and everyone else in my family I love her so much and she's the reason Im somewhat sane today haha
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Views 816 Comments 1 morethanuseless is offline

Zippity doo Dahh! :)

Posted May 8th 2009 at 06:46 AM by morethanuseless (This is what it comes down to)

SOOOOOOO tomorrow i am leaving on a plane getting out for the weekend and doing something that matters to me.
I am going to a SWITCHFOOT concert!!!
My favorite band in the history of the world and I cant wait another second!
I also cant wait to just leave for the weekend I need a break from friends and questions. And what a better way to do it.
This band is amazing and have changed my life for the better. They constantly give me a new perspective. I cant wait...
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Views 461 Comments 0 morethanuseless is offline

Well this is how the story goes

Posted May 7th 2009 at 08:17 AM by morethanuseless (This is what it comes down to)

I feel weighed down lately more than I ever have before
I feel like I am living my life for the people around me, but thats who I am, I am a people pleaser I like the people around me to be happy in hopes of making myself happy
and now im shrinking myself
I just wish that I was as happy with the way my life is as others are happy about the way my life is
Right now its just not me I need to do something thats my own and because I want to on my own terms
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first blog ever

Posted May 1st 2009 at 08:21 PM by morethanuseless (This is what it comes down to)

So since this is el primero (the first), I am deciding to write a little about me and my sitch. So the other blogs after this wont seem completely sketchy.
I am Lauren, I want my name to be Avery but im not going to change it. You can call me Avery though, I tell people at starbucks and jamba juice thats what my name is.

Ok life story,
I grew up for about 7 years of my life without my dad in my life, he had a drug problem. My mom was at work all day and I was left...
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