rant (poss triggering)
Posted January 15th 2012 at 09:45 PM by Lumos.
This past week was my first week back at school. Felt like shit the whole time. Acted like i was happy, yeah right. Pushed anyone who asked if i was ok away. Just tried not to get noticed.
tried to kill myself again.
No one found out. Luckily. I just wish everyone would forget that i existed. Im worthless.
Im such an idiot. I actually believed i was getting better. Im not going to. Im hopeless.
I hate myself. Even a 7 year old me there is something wrong with me, and my brain. Everyone hates me.
I'm done.
tried to kill myself again.

Im such an idiot. I actually believed i was getting better. Im not going to. Im hopeless.
I hate myself. Even a 7 year old me there is something wrong with me, and my brain. Everyone hates me.
I'm done.

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