Posted April 23rd 2011 at 08:21 PM by Lumos.
i told someone.i told them about my depression and my cutting.i was so scared,but i did .she promised not to tell my parents.but she convinced me to tell my dad. i might not though.i have a feeling he will get mad. i am going to go talk to the counselor at my school first. 
when i woke up this morning i was very suicidal.i still am.i promised someone i would be alive til monday. but after that i will .
unless someone convinces me that there's a reason to live .which i bet they can't because no one cares about me
i can't do this anymore. i have to put on a fake smile every where i go. i am getting tired of pretending im very far from that.if i don't post anything for a long time i am probably dead

when i woke up this morning i was very suicidal.i still am.i promised someone i would be alive til monday. but after that i will .

i can't do this anymore. i have to put on a fake smile every where i go. i am getting tired of pretending im very far from that.if i don't post anything for a long time i am probably dead

Total Comments 1
Firstly, well done for telling someone. That's always the hardest part but you've done it now.
You CAN do this though, there are people who care about you. The school counsellor may be able to help you but you have to let people in.
There are so many reasons to live, your friends, family, the future. Things change. Things get better. Don't give up <3Posted April 23rd 2011 at 11:33 PM by Gingerbread Latte