One Apologetic Llama: Seeking Forgiveness
Posted April 7th 2018 at 11:45 AM by LlamaLlamaDuck
Short blog from the most appalling excuse for a staff member.
Long time, no see. Something that is entirely my own fault for getting too overwhelmed with everything being so busy and pushing TeenHelp to the bottom of my priorities with the intention of 'dealing with it later'. Except later didn't get the chance to happen. With things changing a lot at work and university being so time consuming and challenging now, I've spent most of what time I have left in bed, trying to catch up on sleep. Apparently, when you get stressed, you don't sleep well at night, have really odd dreams, and end up permanently exhausted. Who knew?!
Anyway, it's not okay to just vanish like that and even though my plan was to finally resign from TeenHelp and let someone with more time to take over, I actually really missed the site. Something I didn't realise until I signed in for the first time in a while. This site dominated my life for a long time, every spare moment I'd be logging on, spending time in Chat, doing staffy things, browsing the forums. It was a big part of my life and I'm not quite ready to lose that yet.
So, having taken some time to think about what I want to do, with some prompting from Rob (oops
), I'm finding myself back again. I'm not sure in what capacity yet, I need to take some time to get into things a bit more and see how much I can juggle alongside work and studying. But either way, I'm here and not planning to go anywhere yet.
With that being said, I'm sorry I neglected it all for so long, that's really not okay.
By way of an apology, please enjoy these photos which accurately represent me at the moment.

Long time, no see. Something that is entirely my own fault for getting too overwhelmed with everything being so busy and pushing TeenHelp to the bottom of my priorities with the intention of 'dealing with it later'. Except later didn't get the chance to happen. With things changing a lot at work and university being so time consuming and challenging now, I've spent most of what time I have left in bed, trying to catch up on sleep. Apparently, when you get stressed, you don't sleep well at night, have really odd dreams, and end up permanently exhausted. Who knew?!
Anyway, it's not okay to just vanish like that and even though my plan was to finally resign from TeenHelp and let someone with more time to take over, I actually really missed the site. Something I didn't realise until I signed in for the first time in a while. This site dominated my life for a long time, every spare moment I'd be logging on, spending time in Chat, doing staffy things, browsing the forums. It was a big part of my life and I'm not quite ready to lose that yet.
So, having taken some time to think about what I want to do, with some prompting from Rob (oops

With that being said, I'm sorry I neglected it all for so long, that's really not okay.
By way of an apology, please enjoy these photos which accurately represent me at the moment.

Total Comments 2
Posted April 7th 2018 at 05:13 PM by Celyn -
Louise, you never have to apologize for life getting in the way.
Hope you're taking good care of yourself!Posted April 7th 2018 at 09:28 PM by