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New Phone!

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Posted February 18th 2014 at 12:53 PM by LlamaLlamaDuck

Anyone who knows me knows that I've been having issues with my phone for a good while now. It's an iPhone 3GS. The little switch that controls silent/ring mode is broken, when you switch to silent it vibrates once to let you know. Because this switch is broken, the phone will vibrate repeatedly when there is nothing touching it until you hit it off something or switch it to loud for a while.
Because it's an old model, it doesn't support the new iOS 7 which most of my apps have been updated to suit, so they crash a lot now because they're no longer designed for this phone.
It's slow, and the lock button doesn't work. The camera is also insanely lethargic.

So yeah. I need to replace it. My contract ends in April so I'm not due for an upgrade until next month, but I decided to go into a Three shop today and see what the early upgrade fee was and decide if I was willing to pay it.

Woke up and thought "What's the point in spending half an hour on a bus to the nearest town with a Three store when I can just call them?" 15 minutes later a lovely customer service agent has taken 10% off the final amount I would have had to pay, added it to my next bill because I'm not paid for a couple of weeks yet, and given me a contract that's cheaper than the one on the website. The phone is being delivered tomorrow and the courier service will text me to let me know when they're coming so I can be in the house.
Ultimately, I've saved some money and gotten a contract on an iPhone 4S which is only £4 more expensive than I'm paying now.

I told him that I wouldn't need 5000 minutes and texts because I don't text and call much, I just use the internet time and use whatsapp to text. His response was "Yes, I have your past bills and usage here and I can see that you do not text or call often so we can get you a smaller plan. I can also see that even though your internet plan is unlimited, your usage is on the high side." So he gave me unlimited internet again with 5000 texts and 500 minutes which I won't actually use.

I'm excited! I just need to get a sturdy case because I know the screens on these crack easier. My 3GS is irritating and drives me mad but it's a wee trouper, I'm forever dropping it and it's never cracked once. A couple of small scratches and that's it. I'll need a good sturdy case to cover this one for when I do drop it.

In other news, Naomi is coming over tomorrow! We had some problems last week and talked over a lot of things that needed to change. One was the fact that every single week for the duration we've been together, I troupe up to hers for a night or two and she rarely comes here. Before my birthday I can't remember the last time she came over. So last night my OCD planning anxieties kicked in and I actually said the words "Soooo. Your place or mine." AND SHE SAID SHE HAD BEEN PLANNING TO COME HERE THIS WEEK ANYWAY! She won't stay the night because she hates my bed. And when she does stay I need to sleep at the end like a dog because there's not enough space. So no complaints about that. But she's coming over and I didn't need to ask! So I get my new phone and my super gorgeousamazingfantasticbeautiful girlfriend on the same day.

Tonight I'm off out with two of my mum's friends she meets up with for dinner a couple of times a year. I kind of know one of them, every year since I was born, I get a card on my birthday from a lady called Kay. And that is literally all I know about her. She's one of the friends I'm meeting with tonight so it'll be nice to put a face to a name. I've literally never met her in my life, she just always seemed to remember my birthday, my brother doesn't get a card from her. So that'll be nice.

One last thing: If any of you use TRESémme shampoo, BEWARE. I just got it in my eye in the shower and that shit stings like a bitch on fire. I was shouting and swearing and trying to cry it out for a good ten minutes. I can still feel it a bit at the back of my eye. PAIN I tell you.
Anyway -- overall a big yay!

I just need to work out how to curl my hair the way I want it and find the top I was planning to wear tonight. And hope the rain goes off so I can wear this

I love my hat.

Have a wonderful day all you wonderful people and an especially wonderful day to all two of you who actually take the time to read my ramblings.
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  1. Old Comment
    ¯|_(ツ)_|¯'s Avatar
    So this told me I used seven images in my messages because I used too many smilies! WHAT IS UP WITH THAT NO. Now I have to erase some smilies.

    Well I guess it was a score to call them, then, because it looks like you got a pretty darn good deal! I use the OtterBox as far as a case, and it's pretty good I think.

    Yeah, her coming over is really awesome too, I remember you mentioning that in Chat, and I hope all goes well with that.

    Yeah, putting a face to the name seems nice. It's really nice that she remembers your birthday though.

    I used to use that brand, but I gave it to my mom because I got a new brand that's better on my scalp. It does hurt, though, I totally agree.

    That is a cute hat!
    Posted February 18th 2014 at 09:20 PM by ¯|_(ツ)_|¯ ¯|_(ツ)_|¯ is offline
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