Posted March 24th 2011 at 07:01 PM by LlamaLlamaDuck
I feel so detatched. Distant. I've just cleaned the living room, kitchen and hall and taken out the recycling in less than half an hour. I lit a candle in the living room. Opened the window. I can hear the birds. Things are probably so much easier when you're a bird. There's a lot less to think about. I bet birds don't go about whacking their wings off of random chimneys when they get upset. Birds probably eat their weight in food everyday and don't care. Why can't life be that simple for humans?
Truth is, it can be. But you start something stupid without really thinking about it. It just kind of happens and before you realise where you are, you're relying on it to get you through the day.
Telling yourself just one more won't do any harm. One more day, one more cut, one more pill, one more drink. It only took one to start it and it can only take one to end it.
I'm so tired. I've only been up for six or seven hours and I'm ready to go back to bed. But I know when I do go back, it'll be for more nightmares.
Parents are on at me for getting a job. Keep telling me to do some voluntary work because it looks good on my CV. So what's the hours I spend on TH? The time I spend taking the brownies every Friday? Hobbies for my spare time?
I don't know how to tell them about the interview. I don't even know that I'm going to call them back to tell them when I can come. Probably won't. What's the point? Where's the point in anything?
So done with everything already.

Total Comments 1
Posted March 24th 2011 at 07:16 PM by Palmolive