Slight accident...
Posted July 6th 2010 at 03:51 PM by LlamaLlamaDuck
I'm sitting right now on my bed with my duvet around my shoulders. It's cosy but the weight of it on me hurts SO much. 
It's so typical, we went the whole holiday without any accidents -apart from my dad getting a small bruise from being on a red-route cycle track- and as we were cycling to the car to attach the bikes to the roof and go home, I fell.
Well, more flew than fell
And I don't even know what happened. Some friends think it was a suicide attempt and considering that beforehand I just wanted to die, and afterwards I kept thinking 'Why wasn't it worse? Why am I still alive and okay?!' I'm worried they might be right. But honestly, I really had no idea there was a big van behind me.
But I have no way of knowing because all I remember is cycling, looking down at the handlbars and knowing I was about to fall and couldn't stop it, being on the ground and rolling over before lying still for a minute and getting up, shouting that I was fine. (Mum shouted my name, abandoned her bike in the middle of the road, screamed for my dad and came running towards me)
I'm actually half wishing it was worse because at least then a doctor or whatever might have given me some pain meds or something. My shoulders and chest are just...almost impossible to move. I have bruises all over my legs and hip and everything is just 'Owwy'
Strangely though, when a security man drove past and saw me standing there, shaking with my mum beside me and shouted directions to the medical centre (Like we didn't already know, we've been going for 13 years
) The only thing I was worried about was 'Oh no, they'll see the cuts on my leg if they take me there'
Luckily they didn't. After telling them 4 times I was okay, they believed me. That was easy.
I wasn't. Well, obviously I wasn't physically, I can hardly move. But emotionally I still just wanted to die, more so than before.
Moving on. One more thing.
It's a conditional acceptance. I need a good reference from my ex-deputy head. That shouldn't be a problem, he's incapable of being mean.
- *Turns round from writing equations on the smartboard* Hey guys? *Points at class* Bullying is NOT cool. *Goes back to exquations*
- *Insert name* You're ripping it!
- *Insert name* Come on down!
- This is like, the UBER equation, it's pure mental right? *Draws cloud around equation* It's the MASTER of all...Hey it looks like a sheep *Draws legs and a face* Lets call it Bob.
This guy will definitely give me a good reference. I'm so excited about starting

It's so typical, we went the whole holiday without any accidents -apart from my dad getting a small bruise from being on a red-route cycle track- and as we were cycling to the car to attach the bikes to the roof and go home, I fell.
Well, more flew than fell

And I don't even know what happened. Some friends think it was a suicide attempt and considering that beforehand I just wanted to die, and afterwards I kept thinking 'Why wasn't it worse? Why am I still alive and okay?!' I'm worried they might be right. But honestly, I really had no idea there was a big van behind me.

But I have no way of knowing because all I remember is cycling, looking down at the handlbars and knowing I was about to fall and couldn't stop it, being on the ground and rolling over before lying still for a minute and getting up, shouting that I was fine. (Mum shouted my name, abandoned her bike in the middle of the road, screamed for my dad and came running towards me)
I'm actually half wishing it was worse because at least then a doctor or whatever might have given me some pain meds or something. My shoulders and chest are just...almost impossible to move. I have bruises all over my legs and hip and everything is just 'Owwy'
Strangely though, when a security man drove past and saw me standing there, shaking with my mum beside me and shouted directions to the medical centre (Like we didn't already know, we've been going for 13 years

Luckily they didn't. After telling them 4 times I was okay, they believed me. That was easy.
I wasn't. Well, obviously I wasn't physically, I can hardly move. But emotionally I still just wanted to die, more so than before.
Moving on. One more thing.
It's a conditional acceptance. I need a good reference from my ex-deputy head. That shouldn't be a problem, he's incapable of being mean.
- *Turns round from writing equations on the smartboard* Hey guys? *Points at class* Bullying is NOT cool. *Goes back to exquations*
- *Insert name* You're ripping it!
- *Insert name* Come on down!
- This is like, the UBER equation, it's pure mental right? *Draws cloud around equation* It's the MASTER of all...Hey it looks like a sheep *Draws legs and a face* Lets call it Bob.
This guy will definitely give me a good reference. I'm so excited about starting

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