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Advice, talk and awesomeness from someone whose made it out.
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Posted January 27th 2009 at 09:00 PM by Lee

I don't want TH friends anymore, because I'm so afraid of losing them.

It feels like I'm always the last to find out something is wrong. Overdosing can be permanent and yet people don't seem to realise. And then you act so fucking blase about it. I'm terrified.

I don't want to be friends with anyone anymore.... Because the way things seem to go I'm going to end up losing one of you.

Last night was the saddest night of my year so far.

Wake up and realise - what you do isn't just going to affect you in the end.
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  1. Old Comment
    St.Vincent's Avatar
    Of course what you do affects you in the end. Everything you do has an effect on your life while you're living it. It's a whole philosophical conundrum whether we leave a meaningful legacy after we die, but our choices certainly do affect us while we're living, and I think that's the thing that really counts right now. And I bet that's one of the reasons that you're on Teen Help. You do want to make a positive difference in other peoples' lives... I guess that comes with certain fears and paranoias (and you certainly aren't alone in having them!)

    I'm sorry about your night, though.
    Posted January 27th 2009 at 10:06 PM by St.Vincent St.Vincent is offline
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