What I went through going into grade 8......
Posted October 7th 2010 at 05:51 AM by Kootie
Oh my, its been a while since I've wrote on here. I don't even remember the last time I did. Guess it doesn't really matter.. All I know is that there has been a lot that has happened since, and I feel that if I write it on here where none of my "friends" know where to find it, then it wont some how get turned around and bite me in the ass. I don't know where to start with my problems. I don't quite know if I should write them, but I have to get them off my chest and I'm finding I don't really have anywhere else to turn. My boyfriend can't handle talking about me being molested, and there isn't anyone else I can talk to about it, so I think I'll just start venting. I was 12 at the time, worried about going into high school, very vulnerable, and scared. That's when this guy decided he was going to take advantage of me, I mean, there wouldn't have ever been a better time. Anyway, we started dating, much to my not want, but he would not take no for an answer. Then we got into that whole making out thing, again, much to my unwant. And then, to top everything off thats when he started touching me... He was staying at my house for a bit because his dad was off for a couple of days, so my mom was taking care of him.. She just didn't know what was going on. After the whole touching started, the rule of me being in a room with just him, I wasn't allowed to wear a shirt or my pants. He was forever checking to see if everything "down there" was "right". He was always sneaking in, getting into my house by my brother or my mom, or even through my window! One day, I was taking a shower and just my brother and I were home, and my brother was playing on his x-box so when he started talking, I thought nothing of it, until the bathroom door was opened and the shower curtain was torn away.. I told him to get out, and he wouldn't listen. So I told him to take my clothes to my moms room (it had a proper lock on it) so I could change in there. He didn't come back to the bathroom so I figured he went back downstairs, but as I finished changing and left my moms room, I found out that he didn't. He was hidden in the closet watching me change. After that, I told him to get out of my house and never return, and he spent a week away, but then came back, demanding sex, and trying to force me. He even forced a vibrator on me, after of course forcing his fingers on me. Finally he started to leave me alone, just to have his friend start touching me, and playing mind games. What a summer! Its definitely not one I'm soon to forget, seens how you know, it happened almost five years ago. *sigh* Thanks for reading this, whoever has.
Means a lot, really. Leave a comment, help me out. I can't get over the memories... I just need someone to be there to listen...

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