Whee, I'm gonna make a journal up here!
Sick. D:
Posted January 30th 2015 at 02:43 AM by Koharuchan
God, I'm sick. We're pretty sure it's an airborne virus; it all started with dad getting sick, then mom got it from him, then I got it from her just from being near her for a little while. Now I just feel awful.
I've been blowing my nose and coughing all day, I'm sneezing pretty often, my ears really hurt, I've got a bad sore throat, and I ache all over. At least I'm not puking, I've been keeping my food down just fine. I really hope I feel better by tomorrow. Even Jon is just getting over some sickness he had; he was so bad he actually missed a day of school, had to go to Medical, and they put him on "Sick in quarters" for the day. He was lucky he missed the day he did, his teacher told him he missed the one day they really weren't doing anything.
I've been blowing my nose and coughing all day, I'm sneezing pretty often, my ears really hurt, I've got a bad sore throat, and I ache all over. At least I'm not puking, I've been keeping my food down just fine. I really hope I feel better by tomorrow. Even Jon is just getting over some sickness he had; he was so bad he actually missed a day of school, had to go to Medical, and they put him on "Sick in quarters" for the day. He was lucky he missed the day he did, his teacher told him he missed the one day they really weren't doing anything.

Total Comments 1
Posted January 30th 2015 at 03:08 AM by ¯|_(ツ)_|¯