Whee, I'm gonna make a journal up here!
Getting Irritated...
Posted November 5th 2014 at 01:00 AM by Koharuchan
You know, I'm getting really tired of everyone else sticking their noses into my business. I'm tired of everyone always telling me that me and my fiancé aren't going to last. I'm sorry, but my relationship is my business! I don't need people constantly hanging around just to tell me my marriage is going to be miserable. Why the hell can't people just be happy for me? My friends are happy for me, but my family seems to think I'm not ready to marry. And mom doesn't like that he's Navy. She doesn't want me to be a military wife, and I don't want to be a military wife either. But, I love this man, and I'm not going to leave him.
I just don't understand why they're not supporting me. I'm getting married, this is a huge step I'm taking in my life. I just wish they could see how happy he makes me.
I just don't understand why they're not supporting me. I'm getting married, this is a huge step I'm taking in my life. I just wish they could see how happy he makes me.
Total Comments 1
I think it's terrible that people keep telling you that you two aren't going to last! You two seem so perfect for each other and so inseparable. You two have survived a lot of hardships together, and if anything that proves to me that you do have a fair shot of lasting! Just because he's in the Navy doesn't mean he's a bad guy. Sure that comes with some challenges, but if you care for a person those challenges can definitely be worked through.
I know you two will be happy, and I'm sorry they're unsupportive.Posted November 5th 2014 at 04:15 PM by ¯|_(ツ)_|¯