Whee, I'm gonna make a journal up here!
Here, There, Everywhere.
Posted October 24th 2014 at 03:06 AM by Koharuchan
I have been so busy.
It's not like I'm not enjoying the searching I've been doing, it's exciting. I'm looking around for the things Jon and I will need for our move. We'll be living together, and we'll finally be married.
However...there's just so much to search around for! Some stuff I can look for with mom in wal mart, like for silverware and nice dish sets and such. But there's also a lot of stuff I can't just choose myself; we're getting married, after all. It's not going to be my place, but our place. He's trusting me with finding the basic things we'll need, after all he's busy working his butt off with his Navy training at his A-School in Chicago. I'm a few states away, so we can't exactly pick everything out together.
But I'm reaching the point where I've started looking at things like comforter sets and things, and those definitely need to be chosen together. So, I've been looking for nice sets online and if I find one I think we'll both like, I send him a link. But wow, I never realized how hard it was to find a decent comforter set; took me hours online to find 3 sets I thought were good.
Now I'm desperately searching for a decent bookshelf. You've no idea how many books we have, and I'm honestly running out of space for my books. So I've already told him we'll need more shelf space for the books.
I swear...silverware, dishes, comforter sets, bookshelves, the dining table, etc. Like I said, it's exciting, but it's taking up so much of my time.
It's not like I'm not enjoying the searching I've been doing, it's exciting. I'm looking around for the things Jon and I will need for our move. We'll be living together, and we'll finally be married.

However...there's just so much to search around for! Some stuff I can look for with mom in wal mart, like for silverware and nice dish sets and such. But there's also a lot of stuff I can't just choose myself; we're getting married, after all. It's not going to be my place, but our place. He's trusting me with finding the basic things we'll need, after all he's busy working his butt off with his Navy training at his A-School in Chicago. I'm a few states away, so we can't exactly pick everything out together.

Now I'm desperately searching for a decent bookshelf. You've no idea how many books we have, and I'm honestly running out of space for my books. So I've already told him we'll need more shelf space for the books.
I swear...silverware, dishes, comforter sets, bookshelves, the dining table, etc. Like I said, it's exciting, but it's taking up so much of my time.
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