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He got a job! :D

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Posted April 7th 2013 at 06:31 PM by Koharuchan
Tags bar, job, jon, pub, sleep

That's right, Jon finally found a job. His uncle is close friends with the owner of this pub downtown, so he was able to get a job there since they needed someone pretty bad. It's not easy work though, his shift is 11 hours long!

He called me this morning at 10, which surprised me because he didn't get off work until 3 am. He told me about his day, making pizzas and chicken, washing dishes, severely burning his thumb and index finger. He said it's hard work, but he's just happy to finally have a job. I know I'll definitely be owing him a back rub when I see him tomorrow. Hopefully now that he has a job again, his dad will let me spend the night over there again, that was the deal. I'm really looking forward to sleeping together again.

Well, that's it for now. I'll post again later.

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  1. Old Comment
    Amorphous.'s Avatar
    YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Give him a massive congratulations from me to him for me!!!!! . Dude, serious injuries . Good he got something though, he just better make sure he has good health insurance as well .
    Posted April 7th 2013 at 10:29 PM by Amorphous. Amorphous. is offline
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