Whee, I'm gonna make a journal up here!
A long weekend.
It's been a pretty long weekend so far, but I've had fun. A lot of you guys have bugged me for prom pictures, and I promise I will get them up before the weekend is out. Today I desperately want to rest, because I've had way too much fun.
Prom was nice, but the DJ was horrible. Nothing but rap all night, and the entire dance floor was just a bunch of dry humping. So, Jon and I found a few of our friends and went out to the balcony to relax and have fun together. I was becoming irritated with the music; even the slow music was horrible, and when I asked the DJ if he took requests and I gave him a song, he didn't know it. Every song I listed, he didn't know. Apparently rap is all he knows. So, I borrowed my friend's iPod and went to the other end of the balcony where there were no people. We found some country music (we're both from and live in the south, we've been raised on country and we love country), put on a love song, and we slow danced to our favorite music out on the balcony. Later we wanted some time to ourselves, so we went downstairs behind the stairs, which was deserted, and we sat on the nice cushioned seats and just talked and enjoyed being together. It was a lot of fun, I enjoyed it.
Yesterday was even more tiring. After getting nearly no sleep the night before prom and having to wake up early, then getting home at 1 am I had to wake up at 6 am the next morning, because I was going fishing with Jon. We took the boat out to the James river and we fished for hours. I haven't fished since I was very little, so Jon showed me how and I was pretty much on my own afterward. I've only caught a fish once in my life, but yesterday I caught over 30, and I got some really big ones. I really had fun, but I got a bad sunburn.
Jon is worse though, the idiot didn't listen when I told him to put on sunblock. I told him 3 times, but noooo, he'd be just fine without it. Now I'm dating a tomato with a farmer's tan.

Prom was nice, but the DJ was horrible. Nothing but rap all night, and the entire dance floor was just a bunch of dry humping. So, Jon and I found a few of our friends and went out to the balcony to relax and have fun together. I was becoming irritated with the music; even the slow music was horrible, and when I asked the DJ if he took requests and I gave him a song, he didn't know it. Every song I listed, he didn't know. Apparently rap is all he knows. So, I borrowed my friend's iPod and went to the other end of the balcony where there were no people. We found some country music (we're both from and live in the south, we've been raised on country and we love country), put on a love song, and we slow danced to our favorite music out on the balcony. Later we wanted some time to ourselves, so we went downstairs behind the stairs, which was deserted, and we sat on the nice cushioned seats and just talked and enjoyed being together. It was a lot of fun, I enjoyed it.
Yesterday was even more tiring. After getting nearly no sleep the night before prom and having to wake up early, then getting home at 1 am I had to wake up at 6 am the next morning, because I was going fishing with Jon. We took the boat out to the James river and we fished for hours. I haven't fished since I was very little, so Jon showed me how and I was pretty much on my own afterward. I've only caught a fish once in my life, but yesterday I caught over 30, and I got some really big ones. I really had fun, but I got a bad sunburn.

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