Whee, I'm gonna make a journal up here!
Posted June 16th 2015 at 04:23 PM by Koharuchan (Haru's Crazy Thoughts)
A couple of weeks ago, my fiancé, Jon, came home from A-School. He had a week of leave time, which, of course, we spent together. But that isn't the best part; I won't say what city or State I live in, but he's been stationed HERE, where we both have lived our entire lives. He was stationed only a 30 minute drive from where I live! I was so worried about leaving home, worried that I might have to move far away, but now we can stay here, with our families! Well, for now, at least.  ...
Skittles Minion
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Posted March 7th 2015 at 04:08 AM by Koharuchan (Haru's Crazy Thoughts)
Well, I've got some news. I know I should've put this news up much earlier, but I just didn't think about it.
Jon's entire family had very happy reactions when we told them we were getting married. Everyone, that is, except his older brother. His brother's reaction was not exactly the "typical" response. It actually made me a little angry; I've been angry at him before, but this was going too far. He basically said to Jon,
"You're way too young to...
Skittles Minion
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Posted March 4th 2015 at 01:35 AM by Koharuchan (Haru's Crazy Thoughts)
No, I didn't get married today.  But today was a day I've really been waiting for; We finally ordered my Wedding dress today!
Mom helped me take my measurements, and then we placed the order. I'm so excited, I can't wait for it to arrive. The only thing that sucks is how long I have to wait; the dress is being custom-made to fit my measurements, and the seamstress lives in the UK, so it'll take about 6 weeks for me to get the dress. I really hate that mom made me wait...
Skittles Minion
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Posted February 10th 2015 at 01:43 AM by Koharuchan (Haru's Crazy Thoughts)
A few of you guys on here have asked me for Wedding details as it goes along. Things have been a little slow, but things have picked up, too!
First off, Jon and I have been talking about our Wedding Bands for about a week now. We have a very specific plan for what we want, and Jon just recently got his taxes back, and he got over $1000! That's not even including his paycheck, and he's been really saving up his money, and after he told me how much he has saved in his account, we've...
Skittles Minion
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Posted February 5th 2015 at 04:06 AM by Koharuchan (Haru's Crazy Thoughts)
Even though I'm STILL sick from whatever it was I got over a week ago now, I was well enough that I was able to go with mom to the mall. It wasn't fun still having this, though; I'm still clogged up and blowing my nose every 2 minutes.  But, I'm just happy I could go. I don't get to go to the mall often, so it was a nice treat. Mom needed to go into Penny's to find dad some new shirts, and they were having a big sale on just about everything in there, so I rushed over to take a look at their Dinnerware...
Skittles Minion
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Posted January 30th 2015 at 02:43 AM by Koharuchan (Haru's Crazy Thoughts)
God, I'm sick. We're pretty sure it's an airborne virus; it all started with dad getting sick, then mom got it from him, then I got it from her just from being near her for a little while. Now I just feel awful.
I've been blowing my nose and coughing all day, I'm sneezing pretty often, my ears really hurt, I've got a bad sore throat, and I ache all over. At least I'm not puking, I've been keeping my food down just fine. I really hope I feel better by tomorrow. Even Jon is just getting...
Skittles Minion
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Posted January 18th 2015 at 11:45 PM by Koharuchan (Haru's Crazy Thoughts)
...My mind is a flurry of confusion.
Jon and I have been doing our very best to plan this out together; it's not exactly easy to plan a wedding together when he's in a different time zone. But, we're figuring things out. Slowly but surely, we're trying to make this work.
Just 2 days ago, he told me that his superiors had told him that Graduation Day would be in 122 days. Perfect, we know the day for graduation! He looked at his calendar and calculated the number...
Skittles Minion
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Posted January 8th 2015 at 03:53 AM by Koharuchan (Haru's Crazy Thoughts)
I am so pissed right now I can't even believe it. Here's what's going on.
As I said throughout my previous blog entry, I really need to get moving; I have to get my Wedding planned, I've only got 5 months until the big day. However, my mom has been very rude about the whole thing ever since I got engaged. She insists that I'm still a child, and she keeps telling me everything I want for this Wedding is not only wrong, but stupid. I want her help here, but she has not lifted a finger...
Skittles Minion
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Posted January 6th 2015 at 08:07 PM by Koharuchan (Haru's Crazy Thoughts)
Updated January 6th 2015 at 11:41 PM by Koharuchan
Things have got to get moving here.
I'm readjusting alright to Jon being gone again, although I do still miss him very much. However, we are WAY behind on the Wedding plans. I have to get talking to mom and dad about what Jon and I want to do for the Wedding so they can help us get the plans set up.
We already know that we want to just geek this Wedding out.  We're both as dorky as can be, so we're sticking with the nerdy theme.
One of our biggest...
Skittles Minion
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Posted January 4th 2015 at 10:52 PM by Koharuchan (Haru's Crazy Thoughts)
Today was the day...Jon had to get on a plane and go back to A-School today. The 2 weeks I've had with him just don't feel like enough. He'll be gone even longer this time, he may as well be on deployment; this time he won't be home for 8 months.
So much has been happening these past couple of weeks. I'm so glad I was able to spend this time with him, but it was so hard having to say goodbye all over again. I dropped him off at the airport, hugged him, and gave him kisses...and...
Skittles Minion
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