My blog is about my problems or just stuff I like/love
I'm sorry... *trig*
Posted November 20th 2015 at 02:16 PM by iambatman
Updated November 20th 2015 at 02:44 PM by LlamaLlamaDuck (Adding triggering label.)
Updated November 20th 2015 at 02:44 PM by LlamaLlamaDuck (Adding triggering label.)
Last night after my stepdad left I couldn't sleep...I stayed up half of the night cutting...I'm sorry...I just couldn't take it...I was just wishing I could take away the pain...I still wish I could take away the pain. But I don't want to cut right now...I cut really deep last night...It wouldn't stop bleeding...But it finally did. And I went to sleep. Which is good. Because now I feel a bit better. Yay. But I am sorry for cutting...

Total Comments 4
Posted November 20th 2015 at 06:01 PM by ¯|_(ツ)_|¯ -
Posted November 20th 2015 at 06:14 PM by Palmolive -
Posted November 20th 2015 at 06:50 PM by Catlady -
Posted November 20th 2015 at 07:04 PM by iambatman