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Posted September 27th 2012 at 05:20 AM by i_like_black (Being good at being stupid doesn't count.)
Well, yesterday was interesting. Sort of. So Leisa finally got us our waste-water pipe, and I was basically dancing around the house going "yaaay". We did a load of towels and it was all good, so I assumed I was safe to do the first (of many) load of my own washing. Anywho, we both left the house. Me, because yesterday was Mum's birthday and I was going over to visit her, and Sam, because she wanted to go to Southmall. Well, whatever.
I was almost at the Otahuhu bus depot,...
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Posted September 23rd 2012 at 03:17 AM by i_like_black (Being good at being stupid doesn't count.)
The ones who I think are my main creepers, anyway. It's nice to know who you guys are, and I don't at all have a problem with your ninja-style blog reading.
I want. To do. My washing. So bad.
I have temporarily given up on showering, which makes me feel yuck, but the reality is, there's no point having a shower and getting all nice and clean, and then only having dirty clothes to put on. I really, really hope that Leisa brings the waste-water pipe tomorrow, then I can do...
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Posted September 22nd 2012 at 06:24 AM by i_like_black (Being good at being stupid doesn't count.)
The crazy thing about being this high is you just can't comprehend other people's depression. I mean, generally I can empathise, even though I'm really not very good at it. I do try. But I read all this stuff about how other people are really low and they want to die and their life isn't worth living, and there's a part of me that says, CAN'T YOU SEE HOW BEAUTIFUL EVERYTHING IS? HOW BEAUTIFUL YOU ARE?
Because all I can see at the moment is how good things are. I can see how my bed...
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Posted September 21st 2012 at 11:13 PM by i_like_black (Being good at being stupid doesn't count.)
Hey, this is just a random request. I know that there are some of you out there following my blog, and I would like to know who you are so I can return the favour. If you are a regular reader of this blog, please comment, or write on my wall, or PM me or something, so that I know.
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Posted September 21st 2012 at 12:35 PM by i_like_black (Being good at being stupid doesn't count.)
. . . that on the 21st of September 2012, at 1830hours, Viscus_Aduro achieved 99 Firemaking. First 99, first skillcape. Victory is miiiiiine. Sort of.
Court: took all damn day. Got up at 8:30am, got to court around 9:30am. The general rule with court is as long as you turn up before 11:00am, you'll be okay, because there's simply so many people to see duty solicitors that you have to wait ages. Anyway, by the time I finally got seen by a duty solicitor, it was 11:30am.
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Posted September 20th 2012 at 06:24 AM by i_like_black (Being good at being stupid doesn't count.)
So I had dinner. Early, but hey, it felt like the right time. 2x cups of broccoli & cauliflower medley (it's what the packet says, I swear), 1x cup of mixed vegetables (peas, carrots, corn beans), 2x slices of bacon. Was. Excellent. I am awesome.
And so far today I have:
-visited probation (and bugged my probation officer for an hour, who is worried about my being high)
-visited New World and bought more junk food
-cooked dinner
-did the few dishes...
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Posted September 17th 2012 at 11:34 AM by i_like_black (Being good at being stupid doesn't count.)
So I went to bed at about midnight last night. I slept maybe 4 hours total in all the sleeping I did. Problem is, I feel physically ill - like I need to vomit. I haven't vomitted, but I'll feel better once I do.
So my mental state and how I feel physically at the moment are completely at odds with each other. It's pissing me off. If I don't start to feel better physically soon (because mentally I still feel pretty good), I'm going to go to the doctor. It's possible that I'm anaemic...
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Posted September 15th 2012 at 04:35 PM by i_like_black (Being good at being stupid doesn't count.)
Here's why: it's already three and a half hours into Sunday. I have yet to shower and go to bed, and probably won't for another hour or more. HOWEVER, Sunday evening, I MUST be in bed by 10:00pm, in order to get up at 5:30am for work on Monday. (Like my casual job, don't want to fuck it up.)
So Sunday, is most likely, going to be a very weirdly short day. And Sunday night, no matter if I sleep or not, I'll be in bed, at least trying. And probably failing but at least I will have given...
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Posted September 15th 2012 at 03:12 AM by i_like_black (Being good at being stupid doesn't count.)
There's no such thing as exhaustion at this point of the mood spectrum it seems  although I have caught my arms/hands shaking a few times - I think that might be a blood sugar thing, because I keep forgetting to EAT. Not because I'm not hungry (I still get hungry) but because my mind is distracted and basically elsewhere. And then I though about what I ate yesterday, and it didn't sound like much.
So after I went for that 17km walk (having eaten only a topper before leaving), I...
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Posted September 14th 2012 at 11:17 AM by i_like_black (Being good at being stupid doesn't count.)
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