Posted October 14th 2013 at 05:47 AM by i_like_black
I'm riding a motherfucking roller-coaster, not sure if want, no way off . . .
So lemme tell you about my weekend. Because Friday it was . . . well it was fairly awful, and by the end of the day I felt sick as a dog, all nauseated and gross and terrible, so I had some toast and went to bed just after 6 PM. I stayed in bed until 10 AM on Saturday, then I had to get up and get ready for the wedding.
Oh yeah, my body did this awesome trick where is turns out Saturday was also the first proper day of my period, so that sucked, and I still felt yuck from Friday. Anyway I got out of bed, had a shower, came back into my room to get ready, and there was this gargantuan spider on the wall. Okay, so maybe it wasn't *that* big, but it was at least the size of the palm of my hand, so it sure as fuck wasn't tiny either. Anyway it was near the clothing I needed. Long story short, I freaked out and then paid my flatmate to relocate the spiderbro for me.
Continued getting ready. Picked the WRONG bra. Probably the one that fits best of those available, but it's tight around the ribs and the cup isn't full enough to keep everything in. Anyway so I got ready and I left on time, luckily I'd given myself lots of time to drive there because my instructions said take SH25 instead of staying on SH25A, and then I thought the ceremony would be at the same place as the reception because the weather was fairly everywhere, turns out the ceremony was at the beach though, I rang David and checked, but the result of the wrong highway and me thinking it was elsewhere was that I drove an hour out of my way and used extra petrol. But I got there! Even though I was in a lot of pain - I had really bad cramps and the beginnings of a migraine.
The ceremony itself, I spent the entire time comparing it to Karina's wedding, which is really bad of me and I tried to stay focused on what was happening in front of me but it was hard. One of the differences that REALLY stood out for me was that Karina, as a bride, looked like a bride - stunningly beautiful and absolutely amazing. Whereas Laura, unfortunately, just looked like a woman in a white dress. She's bigger than I am and the dress didn't hide that, and sure, she looked good, a lot nicer than a regular day, but I just couldn't help being a bit disappointed that she didn't look more . . . amazing.
The concept of a beach wedding was kinda cool though, although it was windy and so I had trouble hearing what the celebrant was saying. I'm glad for them, they've been friends of mine for a long time, and yeah.
I felt so bad at the reception. I changed out of my dress because I was having trouble with that, but I still had the uncomfortable bra, and the niggly feelings I'd been having were starting to be more obviously a migraine by the time we were in transit. Thankfully Laura and David had organised a bus and a ferry from the ceremony to the reception - mostly so people could drink, but as I wasn't sure how much petrol it would take to get home, I was extra glad. Also I had a bit of a nap on the bus.
The reception itself was really nice - they'd booked a bar in Whitianga, and it was well-run, nice food, nice staff, free food, dinner (I honestly had no idea if food is usually provided at a reception or not, having never been to one before), and a bar tab for house beer, house wine, and soft drinks. My head was murderous by that stage so it was soft drinks only for me. I felt like such a party killer, my head felt like it was going to explode, I went outside and stood in a corner where it was cooler and a bit quieter and darker. At some point I talked to David and he took me to a room with a lounge chair sofa thing so I could have a sleep - because for me, that's the only cure for migraines.
I guess I napped for about an hour, it wasn't that long and the migraine didn't go away completely, but it did go down in intensity enough that I felt able to join in again and felt up to driving home. I missed out on some free weed though, and that was disappointing, and I'm absolutely positive that had I not had a migraine, the reception would have been nothing short of awesome.
So after another ferry ride and a bus ride back to the car park at Hahei Beach, I drove home. This time I just followed the signs for Thames and then on to Auckland - and the drive home only took two hours, much shorter than the drive there, I was surprised. Lesson learnt: when going to Hahei, SH25A is the best route to take.The good thing was, being as it was late at night, there was no pressure from other traffic (because it's not a drive I'm familiar with and I swear the roads through those mountains are on drugs), meaning I could drive however I was most comfortable. So I got home just before 1 AM, and went straight to bed, because my head still felt like exploding, and my cramps were still ouchy, and I was thinking I should just sleep forever.
I fell asleep.
I woke up roughly six hours later (though I didn't get up until 10) on Sunday, feeling more or less on top of the world. Migraine gone, cramps still present, mood nothing short of amazing.
Sunday ended up being a really good day, I joined in with the Facilitated Discussion, and I'm really glad that happened - I actually really like facilitated discussions because I find it good to have a focal point for what I'm talking about. And I drew another picture on Sunday evening, my pictures are going well.
And today is Monday. I didn't sleep very much I suppose but I'm not actually tired. Waiting for my period to be over so I can go swimming, because I just don't feel like wearing tampons at the moment and yeah.
I saw Debbie earlier today, as is usual for Monday, but she forgot to book room 6 so we weren't able to check on our sneaky plantsies! But she said something about maybe checking them on Wednesday. She said my mood is clearly better than last week because my conversation was everywhere today and I'm distractable and having trouble concentrating etcetera you know normal elevated mood things. I had fun. Am I supposed to have fun in my sessions with her? I don't care. I did. She's rawrsome.
When I got home I got three phone calls in a small space of time. Leisa called twice, and Billie from RINZ rang, AND I HAVE AN INTERVIEW REGARDING PEER EMPLOYMENT TRAINING ON WEDNESDAY, so before DBT I'ma do that. Woo, go me
Then there was a plumber, apparently we have a broken pipe? And our shed is still upside down but at least Maria knows about that now.
And woooo everywhereness. Not sure if want. Will not complain about good mood but still would be nice if moods would swing instead of bungee jump.
So lemme tell you about my weekend. Because Friday it was . . . well it was fairly awful, and by the end of the day I felt sick as a dog, all nauseated and gross and terrible, so I had some toast and went to bed just after 6 PM. I stayed in bed until 10 AM on Saturday, then I had to get up and get ready for the wedding.
Oh yeah, my body did this awesome trick where is turns out Saturday was also the first proper day of my period, so that sucked, and I still felt yuck from Friday. Anyway I got out of bed, had a shower, came back into my room to get ready, and there was this gargantuan spider on the wall. Okay, so maybe it wasn't *that* big, but it was at least the size of the palm of my hand, so it sure as fuck wasn't tiny either. Anyway it was near the clothing I needed. Long story short, I freaked out and then paid my flatmate to relocate the spiderbro for me.
Continued getting ready. Picked the WRONG bra. Probably the one that fits best of those available, but it's tight around the ribs and the cup isn't full enough to keep everything in. Anyway so I got ready and I left on time, luckily I'd given myself lots of time to drive there because my instructions said take SH25 instead of staying on SH25A, and then I thought the ceremony would be at the same place as the reception because the weather was fairly everywhere, turns out the ceremony was at the beach though, I rang David and checked, but the result of the wrong highway and me thinking it was elsewhere was that I drove an hour out of my way and used extra petrol. But I got there! Even though I was in a lot of pain - I had really bad cramps and the beginnings of a migraine.
The ceremony itself, I spent the entire time comparing it to Karina's wedding, which is really bad of me and I tried to stay focused on what was happening in front of me but it was hard. One of the differences that REALLY stood out for me was that Karina, as a bride, looked like a bride - stunningly beautiful and absolutely amazing. Whereas Laura, unfortunately, just looked like a woman in a white dress. She's bigger than I am and the dress didn't hide that, and sure, she looked good, a lot nicer than a regular day, but I just couldn't help being a bit disappointed that she didn't look more . . . amazing.
The concept of a beach wedding was kinda cool though, although it was windy and so I had trouble hearing what the celebrant was saying. I'm glad for them, they've been friends of mine for a long time, and yeah.
I felt so bad at the reception. I changed out of my dress because I was having trouble with that, but I still had the uncomfortable bra, and the niggly feelings I'd been having were starting to be more obviously a migraine by the time we were in transit. Thankfully Laura and David had organised a bus and a ferry from the ceremony to the reception - mostly so people could drink, but as I wasn't sure how much petrol it would take to get home, I was extra glad. Also I had a bit of a nap on the bus.
The reception itself was really nice - they'd booked a bar in Whitianga, and it was well-run, nice food, nice staff, free food, dinner (I honestly had no idea if food is usually provided at a reception or not, having never been to one before), and a bar tab for house beer, house wine, and soft drinks. My head was murderous by that stage so it was soft drinks only for me. I felt like such a party killer, my head felt like it was going to explode, I went outside and stood in a corner where it was cooler and a bit quieter and darker. At some point I talked to David and he took me to a room with a lounge chair sofa thing so I could have a sleep - because for me, that's the only cure for migraines.
I guess I napped for about an hour, it wasn't that long and the migraine didn't go away completely, but it did go down in intensity enough that I felt able to join in again and felt up to driving home. I missed out on some free weed though, and that was disappointing, and I'm absolutely positive that had I not had a migraine, the reception would have been nothing short of awesome.
So after another ferry ride and a bus ride back to the car park at Hahei Beach, I drove home. This time I just followed the signs for Thames and then on to Auckland - and the drive home only took two hours, much shorter than the drive there, I was surprised. Lesson learnt: when going to Hahei, SH25A is the best route to take.The good thing was, being as it was late at night, there was no pressure from other traffic (because it's not a drive I'm familiar with and I swear the roads through those mountains are on drugs), meaning I could drive however I was most comfortable. So I got home just before 1 AM, and went straight to bed, because my head still felt like exploding, and my cramps were still ouchy, and I was thinking I should just sleep forever.
I fell asleep.
I woke up roughly six hours later (though I didn't get up until 10) on Sunday, feeling more or less on top of the world. Migraine gone, cramps still present, mood nothing short of amazing.
Sunday ended up being a really good day, I joined in with the Facilitated Discussion, and I'm really glad that happened - I actually really like facilitated discussions because I find it good to have a focal point for what I'm talking about. And I drew another picture on Sunday evening, my pictures are going well.
And today is Monday. I didn't sleep very much I suppose but I'm not actually tired. Waiting for my period to be over so I can go swimming, because I just don't feel like wearing tampons at the moment and yeah.
I saw Debbie earlier today, as is usual for Monday, but she forgot to book room 6 so we weren't able to check on our sneaky plantsies! But she said something about maybe checking them on Wednesday. She said my mood is clearly better than last week because my conversation was everywhere today and I'm distractable and having trouble concentrating etcetera you know normal elevated mood things. I had fun. Am I supposed to have fun in my sessions with her? I don't care. I did. She's rawrsome.
When I got home I got three phone calls in a small space of time. Leisa called twice, and Billie from RINZ rang, AND I HAVE AN INTERVIEW REGARDING PEER EMPLOYMENT TRAINING ON WEDNESDAY, so before DBT I'ma do that. Woo, go me

Then there was a plumber, apparently we have a broken pipe? And our shed is still upside down but at least Maria knows about that now.
And woooo everywhereness. Not sure if want. Will not complain about good mood but still would be nice if moods would swing instead of bungee jump.
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