On the bright side.
Posted July 25th 2013 at 11:44 PM by i_like_black
So I saw my legal aid lawyer today. Good news! He thinks at the very worst, I will be sentenced with Home Detention, and otherwise I will be looking at a community-based sentence such as supervision. He says it depends on what view the judge takes when we eventually get around to being sentenced. His own view is that I'm extremely high-risk, but as he said, whether or not the judge thinks that will depend on the judge.
I will be entering my plea on Monday. I'll be pleading guilty - lawyer dude says that my early guilty plea means that whatever I'm sentenced with, one third of the sentence will be retracted due to the early guilty plea. Bonus points for honesty I suppose.
After that, the judge has to re-consider bail - but the lawyer is sure that I will continue to be bailed. A pre-sentence report will be ordered, and my date for sentencing will be in approximately six weeks.
So that's all GOOD news! I'm not going to be disappearing, and I get to keep my cat. I am glad about this.
In other good news, just after I got back from my legal aid appointment, the phone rang. I answered it, and it was Owen! So next Wednesday, after DBT, I'm driving to work to help with stocktake. The best thing about Owen is he's happy to fit when I can work around when I have other commitments - so say I have stuff early in the day (like DBT), he's okay with me coming in afterwards. Or say how I used to coach in the evenings, he would always be okay with me leaving early. For a person like me, that sort of flexibility is extremely beneficial. It's win/win from my side, and I suppose it works for Owen too.
So I just thought I'd update you all.
I will be entering my plea on Monday. I'll be pleading guilty - lawyer dude says that my early guilty plea means that whatever I'm sentenced with, one third of the sentence will be retracted due to the early guilty plea. Bonus points for honesty I suppose.
After that, the judge has to re-consider bail - but the lawyer is sure that I will continue to be bailed. A pre-sentence report will be ordered, and my date for sentencing will be in approximately six weeks.
So that's all GOOD news! I'm not going to be disappearing, and I get to keep my cat. I am glad about this.
In other good news, just after I got back from my legal aid appointment, the phone rang. I answered it, and it was Owen! So next Wednesday, after DBT, I'm driving to work to help with stocktake. The best thing about Owen is he's happy to fit when I can work around when I have other commitments - so say I have stuff early in the day (like DBT), he's okay with me coming in afterwards. Or say how I used to coach in the evenings, he would always be okay with me leaving early. For a person like me, that sort of flexibility is extremely beneficial. It's win/win from my side, and I suppose it works for Owen too.
So I just thought I'd update you all.

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