Er, well.
Posted February 21st 2013 at 04:44 AM by i_like_black
So I had a massive rant to Leisa (my community support worker) about how I feel like I have no friends and I feel like I'm going in circles and all the other stuff that's messing up my head at the moment. It ended up being quite a heated discussion 
Her opinion is that I'm frustrated and bored. Well, yeah. But I'm also scared. And I explained to her about the fear and all my inadequacies and stuff. And yeah.
I mean I feel better for having ranted but that stuff is still there.
I went to art group this morning, had major issues with people bumping tables. Luckily I have a naturally steady hand and I'm hypersensitive to other people's movements so there were no major mishaps, it was just frustrating because I was doing line work with an ink pen and I didn't want to fuck it up, so it took longer because I kept having to pause and wait for people to be relatively still again.
I took my iPod so I was basically doing art from within a coccoon, with very little awareness of what was happening around me. It's been a long time since I was able to get into my art that much, so I'm figuring art group is a good idea. However the result of this was that I didn't notice Sam was there, she ended up poking me to get me to look up. But that was alright. She might ring me on the weekend.
My picture is looking very pretty, it's had 4 hours of work go into it so far, so by the time it's done it will probably be 6 - 8 hours worth of work. I've never really thought about how long things take before, but as art group is a very definite two hours, I can track each piece I create there.
Leisa has also invited me to do this 12 week boxing class thing with some other people from CLS. I said that would be cool. You get a 1 hour boxing training session each week, and use of the gym 6 days a week, for free. Nice. I was wondering when I was going to start exercising properly again!
I went to visit Nana this afternoon, she was a lot more awake today, although she said one of the painkillers is making her head feel funny and she's quite sleepy. The physio came whilst I was there and I asked to watch. Considering she only get her new knee put in yesterday, she's doing incredibly well. She can bend and straighten her leg already, as well as lift it and a bunch of other stuff. Putting her whole weight on it was painful and she couldn't do that for long, but she DID stand up. I was very impressed, and so was the physio. So Nana's on the mend quite nicely.
I have my appointment to talk about getting my license back tomorrow. I'm very excited and very, very nervous, although everybody I've talked to (well, not including my siblings) says they see no reason why I shouldn't get it back. And I miss driving so here's hoping!

Thanks for being awesome, guys.

Her opinion is that I'm frustrated and bored. Well, yeah. But I'm also scared. And I explained to her about the fear and all my inadequacies and stuff. And yeah.
I mean I feel better for having ranted but that stuff is still there.
I went to art group this morning, had major issues with people bumping tables. Luckily I have a naturally steady hand and I'm hypersensitive to other people's movements so there were no major mishaps, it was just frustrating because I was doing line work with an ink pen and I didn't want to fuck it up, so it took longer because I kept having to pause and wait for people to be relatively still again.
I took my iPod so I was basically doing art from within a coccoon, with very little awareness of what was happening around me. It's been a long time since I was able to get into my art that much, so I'm figuring art group is a good idea. However the result of this was that I didn't notice Sam was there, she ended up poking me to get me to look up. But that was alright. She might ring me on the weekend.
My picture is looking very pretty, it's had 4 hours of work go into it so far, so by the time it's done it will probably be 6 - 8 hours worth of work. I've never really thought about how long things take before, but as art group is a very definite two hours, I can track each piece I create there.
Leisa has also invited me to do this 12 week boxing class thing with some other people from CLS. I said that would be cool. You get a 1 hour boxing training session each week, and use of the gym 6 days a week, for free. Nice. I was wondering when I was going to start exercising properly again!
I went to visit Nana this afternoon, she was a lot more awake today, although she said one of the painkillers is making her head feel funny and she's quite sleepy. The physio came whilst I was there and I asked to watch. Considering she only get her new knee put in yesterday, she's doing incredibly well. She can bend and straighten her leg already, as well as lift it and a bunch of other stuff. Putting her whole weight on it was painful and she couldn't do that for long, but she DID stand up. I was very impressed, and so was the physio. So Nana's on the mend quite nicely.
I have my appointment to talk about getting my license back tomorrow. I'm very excited and very, very nervous, although everybody I've talked to (well, not including my siblings) says they see no reason why I shouldn't get it back. And I miss driving so here's hoping!

Thanks for being awesome, guys.

Total Comments 1
Posted February 28th 2013 at 10:20 PM by Halcyon