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Posted February 16th 2013 at 08:01 AM by i_like_black

Well, a good day!

Upon contemplation I think lack of sleep has been impacting my mood severely, which is actually what my key worker implied at our appointment yesterday.

Anyway, last night, or early this morning if you want to be pedantic, I didn't cut. I thought about it and I wanted to, but I didn't. I went to bed instead. And my bed felt so damn comfy. I was laying there like, omg my bed is so squishy it's giving my back hugs. Which was nice. And boded well for sleeping.

So I went to sleep. And I was just having this dream, when I jolted awake. The reason why was immediately obvious. Some douche decided to visit my neighbours at 3:50am, with a ridiculously loud stereo in their car, and leave the stereo playing for over half an hour. I wasn't impressed. Anyway eventually they left and I fell asleep again.

I woke up quite a few times and eventually got up just after midday, feeling good about life. And my day has been pretty cruisy. I did my washing, and I've started on my coffee table. No major stressors or expectations. Just a lazy day which I have enjoyed.

And also when other people think I'm awesome it puts me in a good mood. You know who you are.
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  1. Old Comment
    Storyteller.'s Avatar
    This made me smile. I hope you have many more good days. And I hope to be with you during them.
    Posted February 16th 2013 at 09:25 AM by Storyteller. Storyteller. is offline
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