Well then lol
Posted February 6th 2013 at 09:46 PM by i_like_black
So, those of you who were in chat with me last night know I was supposed to go to an art group this morning. I had figured it probably started around 10am, so here's what happened:
I was laying in bed, just after 10am, thinking, maybe it's in the afternoon. When my cellphone rang. Or rather, someone called my mobile and it lit up and vibrated. So I answered. It was Trish, the key worker of my old flatmate, asking if she could bring around a potential new flatmate this morning. I told her about having not heard from Leisa and I asked about Sam. She said she'd get Sam to contact me somehow, and she'd get Leisa to call me because she thought art group was from 10 til 12.
Leisa rang. Art group does go from 10 til 12, but she forgot about me. She apologised, which is fine, I mean she's busy and stuff anyway - I was actually laying in bed on Tuesday night thinking "well, she has a lot of stuff to do, you know", also yesterday was a public holiday here. So . . . I really was forgotten about
So no art group this week. Next Thursday I have probation at 11:30am so I'm not really sure about next week either. I guess the stars are not correctly aligned at the moment.
She said she'd come over later and get some tomatoes though. I mean, there's 80 or more on my kitchen table, and more will be ready to be picked this evening. I have a lot of tomatoes. My house is starting to smell like tomatoes. If people don't start taking them and eating them, then very soon said tomatoes are likely to start to rot. And I don't want a house that smells like rotten tomatoes because frankly, ew.
My Nana has her pre-op check for her knee surgery today. When we were texting the other day she said that the pre-op check takes 2 - 3 hours. I invited her over for a cup of tea and biscuits afterwards, because the SuperClinic, where this stuff takes place, is just up the road from me, so it's not out of the way for her and Mum to visit after an appointment there. I hope they come, I'm kind of looking forward to it, although in my mind the weather is patently too warm for hot drinks.
Also, I applied for the Articles Team. Here's hoping.
And that's everything of note. I really should start going to bed before midnight.
I was laying in bed, just after 10am, thinking, maybe it's in the afternoon. When my cellphone rang. Or rather, someone called my mobile and it lit up and vibrated. So I answered. It was Trish, the key worker of my old flatmate, asking if she could bring around a potential new flatmate this morning. I told her about having not heard from Leisa and I asked about Sam. She said she'd get Sam to contact me somehow, and she'd get Leisa to call me because she thought art group was from 10 til 12.
Leisa rang. Art group does go from 10 til 12, but she forgot about me. She apologised, which is fine, I mean she's busy and stuff anyway - I was actually laying in bed on Tuesday night thinking "well, she has a lot of stuff to do, you know", also yesterday was a public holiday here. So . . . I really was forgotten about

She said she'd come over later and get some tomatoes though. I mean, there's 80 or more on my kitchen table, and more will be ready to be picked this evening. I have a lot of tomatoes. My house is starting to smell like tomatoes. If people don't start taking them and eating them, then very soon said tomatoes are likely to start to rot. And I don't want a house that smells like rotten tomatoes because frankly, ew.
My Nana has her pre-op check for her knee surgery today. When we were texting the other day she said that the pre-op check takes 2 - 3 hours. I invited her over for a cup of tea and biscuits afterwards, because the SuperClinic, where this stuff takes place, is just up the road from me, so it's not out of the way for her and Mum to visit after an appointment there. I hope they come, I'm kind of looking forward to it, although in my mind the weather is patently too warm for hot drinks.
Also, I applied for the Articles Team. Here's hoping.
And that's everything of note. I really should start going to bed before midnight.
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