Oh. My. BLOG!
Posted January 22nd 2013 at 08:16 AM by i_like_black
Well, TH was offline for a couple of days, as all of you are probably aware, and I've been sitting around waiting impatiently to post to my blog. Very, very impatiently. I keep trying to sort of blog on tumblr . . . but TH is my home, it's where I first blogged, and yeah.
So. Last couple of days. Have been keeping the house clean, I'll probably give the bathroom and the floors a once-over before bed tonight though. Just so, you know, things are close to perfect. I'm a closet neat-freak. When I have people living with me, I get slack, because I'm self-conscious about cleaning and having people watching me do so. When I live alone, if my house isn't close to perfect, then it means something's wrong.
Leisa called on Monday. She's coming over tomorrow at 11am. What she said, I interpreted as, basically everybody wants me to either move into a 1bdrm or get a flatmate. I stressed out man, freaked out. So Monday night, messed up my arms. Somewhat. Ok, it looks pretty bad. It's not deep, I don't have anything gaping or anything like that, but admittedly it looks very messy. Long sleeves, heh. And then I still didn't feel good so I went for a walk. And because I had a support bandage on my ankle, my jandals fitted differently, so now I have a blister from my jandals. Also, I think my jandals are nearing the end of their life, they are developing holes in their soles.
I cooked tonight. The same stew that my friend made for me a few weeks ago, minus the meat but with additional pasta. It wasn't as good as the one she made, but it was edible, and I have left overs for lunch and dinner for a few days. Good.
Also, I am getting my 12 month Premier Membership package for RuneScape tomorrow! Woo!
And I don't know if I'm low. Maybe, but only for a couple of days. I'm tired all the time. I feel like I'm hungry all the time. And oh self-harm is so addictive. And I still have my medication collection.
Oh! In case I didn't mention it already, I had a job interview on Saturday. I think it went well, but the guy said that there are lots of people applying and limited positions available. So we'll see what happens.
Well, TH was offline for a couple of days, as all of you are probably aware, and I've been sitting around waiting impatiently to post to my blog. Very, very impatiently. I keep trying to sort of blog on tumblr . . . but TH is my home, it's where I first blogged, and yeah.
So. Last couple of days. Have been keeping the house clean, I'll probably give the bathroom and the floors a once-over before bed tonight though. Just so, you know, things are close to perfect. I'm a closet neat-freak. When I have people living with me, I get slack, because I'm self-conscious about cleaning and having people watching me do so. When I live alone, if my house isn't close to perfect, then it means something's wrong.
Leisa called on Monday. She's coming over tomorrow at 11am. What she said, I interpreted as, basically everybody wants me to either move into a 1bdrm or get a flatmate. I stressed out man, freaked out. So Monday night, messed up my arms. Somewhat. Ok, it looks pretty bad. It's not deep, I don't have anything gaping or anything like that, but admittedly it looks very messy. Long sleeves, heh. And then I still didn't feel good so I went for a walk. And because I had a support bandage on my ankle, my jandals fitted differently, so now I have a blister from my jandals. Also, I think my jandals are nearing the end of their life, they are developing holes in their soles.
I cooked tonight. The same stew that my friend made for me a few weeks ago, minus the meat but with additional pasta. It wasn't as good as the one she made, but it was edible, and I have left overs for lunch and dinner for a few days. Good.
Also, I am getting my 12 month Premier Membership package for RuneScape tomorrow! Woo!
And I don't know if I'm low. Maybe, but only for a couple of days. I'm tired all the time. I feel like I'm hungry all the time. And oh self-harm is so addictive. And I still have my medication collection.
Oh! In case I didn't mention it already, I had a job interview on Saturday. I think it went well, but the guy said that there are lots of people applying and limited positions available. So we'll see what happens.

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