I have big emotions.
Posted January 25th 2013 at 03:23 AM by i_like_black
I read people's blogs, and sometimes I see tumblrs, and all sorts of stuff on the internet. And I think, I love these people so much, and I guess they have no idea. You're all beautiful, all of you. And you're all worth so much more than you think you are. And I want people to walk up to you every day, and tell you how amazing you are, and tell you that you're loved, and hug you, and be there for you. I want you all to know. Because there are people on this forum whom I have loved in the past, and they have taken their lives. And if there were people in their lives - not on the internet - who daily told them how much they were loved, and how precious they were no matter what, who made sure they got comfort and support when they needed it - well, I suppose they would breathe still.
What this world needs isn't guns or money or travel or expensive shiny things. It needs love. It needs people who aren't afraid to say "I love you" to a friend, and mean it. It needs parents who respect the choices of their children, but still love them, and comfort them, and tell them they're amazing in their own way. It needs people who care for each other regardless of how they look or their religion or their ethnic background. It needs people who accept that we all breathe the same air, and that EVERY life has value. It needs people to say the things that matter whilst people are ALIVE, instead of waiting until a funeral or a memorial. What point is it then? A dead person cannot benefit from your kindness. The living CAN. Give to the living. Love the living. Accept the living. We have a global community, why can't our globe work for things that matter, instead of oil? Why can't we use treaties, and common sense, instead of war? Why don't people appreciate that if people didn't feel mistreated and wronged, war would be less common?
All we are is everything.
Sorry, my emo explosion for the week. In other news, I spent nearly an hour on the phone to my Nana =] I love my Nana and I was initially calling to ask to borrow a saw, but we ended up chatting about all sorts. My Nana is the only person who I can chat to like that, with no awareness of how long I've been on the phone.
I looked up some prices earlier today, because I decided that if I get a job, I'm going to finally see the South Island. So I would catch the train from Auckland to Wellington, the Interislander ferry from Wellington to Picton, then the train from Picton to Christchurch. I asked Nana if she could ask if anybody else would be interested in doing this (I'll be flying from Christchurch back to Auckland) in either July or September, and we chatted and I think NANA might be interested. That would be cool. Anyway, the only reason I'm asking now, is that the train fares and ferry fare combined tally to approximately $400. So it needs people to be aware of the cost. I love travelling though, so I'll pay for an experience that I will really enjoy. Furthermore, I need to see the rest of my own country before seeing the rest of the world.
Leisa said my new bed frame could potentially be delivered tomorrow, but will definitely be delivered by Tuesday. Yay for not sleeping on the floor!
Also I went to the supermarket and bought some junk food, so bye!
Love you all.
What this world needs isn't guns or money or travel or expensive shiny things. It needs love. It needs people who aren't afraid to say "I love you" to a friend, and mean it. It needs parents who respect the choices of their children, but still love them, and comfort them, and tell them they're amazing in their own way. It needs people who care for each other regardless of how they look or their religion or their ethnic background. It needs people who accept that we all breathe the same air, and that EVERY life has value. It needs people to say the things that matter whilst people are ALIVE, instead of waiting until a funeral or a memorial. What point is it then? A dead person cannot benefit from your kindness. The living CAN. Give to the living. Love the living. Accept the living. We have a global community, why can't our globe work for things that matter, instead of oil? Why can't we use treaties, and common sense, instead of war? Why don't people appreciate that if people didn't feel mistreated and wronged, war would be less common?
All we are is everything.
Sorry, my emo explosion for the week. In other news, I spent nearly an hour on the phone to my Nana =] I love my Nana and I was initially calling to ask to borrow a saw, but we ended up chatting about all sorts. My Nana is the only person who I can chat to like that, with no awareness of how long I've been on the phone.
I looked up some prices earlier today, because I decided that if I get a job, I'm going to finally see the South Island. So I would catch the train from Auckland to Wellington, the Interislander ferry from Wellington to Picton, then the train from Picton to Christchurch. I asked Nana if she could ask if anybody else would be interested in doing this (I'll be flying from Christchurch back to Auckland) in either July or September, and we chatted and I think NANA might be interested. That would be cool. Anyway, the only reason I'm asking now, is that the train fares and ferry fare combined tally to approximately $400. So it needs people to be aware of the cost. I love travelling though, so I'll pay for an experience that I will really enjoy. Furthermore, I need to see the rest of my own country before seeing the rest of the world.
Leisa said my new bed frame could potentially be delivered tomorrow, but will definitely be delivered by Tuesday. Yay for not sleeping on the floor!

Also I went to the supermarket and bought some junk food, so bye!
Love you all.

Total Comments 1
Posted January 25th 2013 at 01:36 PM by Palmolive