I want to nap.
Posted October 1st 2012 at 01:37 AM by i_like_black
Not because I'm tired - I've been getting enough sleep. But because when you're asleep, you don't feel pain, and I have this nagging, deep-seated ache we call "period pain". We should really call it, "period agony" . . . I think that's a little more realistic. So yeah, I'm in a fair amount of pain, and it's making me grumpy, and I want to nap because sleeping people don't feel pain, and also, the warmth of bed would most likely help with the pain.
I got lucky, my membership held on until the end of September UK time, so sometime in the next 23 hours (1st of October UK time), I'll be receiving the reward promised for being a member for all of August and all of September. And after that, I think I'll let my account hang around in f2p for a while, you know, whilst I get on top of real life and get back into going to the gym. Will be good times.
Luke came over last night, me and him and Sam hung out and had drinks. It was a good night. The three of us and Maria are going to hang out on Thursday, go down to the pub and play doubles pool or something like that. Good times ahead.
I'm still in a really good mood, it's just being tainted by the pain. Oh pain, why you so bad? At least it'll be mostly pain-free by tomorrow. Thankfully.
I did my washing yesterday, it's on the line drying right now. I think it will be all dry by 3pm, at which point I'll go out and get it so Sam can put hers on the line. And after I put all my clean clothes away, I might have an afternoon nap. It's sounding really good right now.
Oh yeah, I'm not taking painkillers for it, because although it's bad, I don't take analgesics til I'm basically dying.
So yeah. Good mood, bad pain. Feel bad for my flatmate, she doesn't deserve my grumpiness, but oh wells.
I got lucky, my membership held on until the end of September UK time, so sometime in the next 23 hours (1st of October UK time), I'll be receiving the reward promised for being a member for all of August and all of September. And after that, I think I'll let my account hang around in f2p for a while, you know, whilst I get on top of real life and get back into going to the gym. Will be good times.
Luke came over last night, me and him and Sam hung out and had drinks. It was a good night. The three of us and Maria are going to hang out on Thursday, go down to the pub and play doubles pool or something like that. Good times ahead.
I'm still in a really good mood, it's just being tainted by the pain. Oh pain, why you so bad? At least it'll be mostly pain-free by tomorrow. Thankfully.

I did my washing yesterday, it's on the line drying right now. I think it will be all dry by 3pm, at which point I'll go out and get it so Sam can put hers on the line. And after I put all my clean clothes away, I might have an afternoon nap. It's sounding really good right now.
Oh yeah, I'm not taking painkillers for it, because although it's bad, I don't take analgesics til I'm basically dying.

So yeah. Good mood, bad pain. Feel bad for my flatmate, she doesn't deserve my grumpiness, but oh wells.
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