Attempting to exhaust self. Failing.
Posted September 15th 2012 at 03:12 AM by i_like_black
There's no such thing as exhaustion at this point of the mood spectrum it seems
although I have caught my arms/hands shaking a few times - I think that might be a blood sugar thing, because I keep forgetting to EAT. Not because I'm not hungry (I still get hungry) but because my mind is distracted and basically elsewhere. And then I though about what I ate yesterday, and it didn't sound like much.
So after I went for that 17km walk (having eaten only a topper before leaving), I got home, had 2 chocolate chip biscuits and a couple of mouthfuls of chocolate milk, then went to bed for a few hours. When I got up again, I had a muesli bar, some more chocolate milk, and another biscuit. Then I left for my keyworker appointment. After that, I had a cone with a flake from McDonald's, because I had a spare $1 and decided to treat myself. Then I came home. Well, actually, I went and enrolled at a GP on my way home, but still. Had an apple pie - one of those one-serving ones. And later on I had two egg sandwiches, and then two cups of milo. Didn't go to bed until 4am. Slept maybe 5 hours of the 7.5 I was laying there, maybe less. Got up, had weetbix, have been attempting to maintain a food schedule ever since because although my mind is working wonderfully at the moment, my body has ascertained that it still requires regular fuelling. Although, that being said, I've yet to have lunch. Lol.
Sam rang, asked if I can bring her some stuff if I visit. Hopefully Dad will take me to visit her, and I can walk home. Unless someone takes pity on me and donates the $3.40 for the train fare, but I don't really mind the walk, it's just the weather is sort of questionable. It's very windy, and rain showers keep blowing over. I'm all jeezy with walking, but I don't particularly feel like being soaked, nosir.
So they should be here soon.
Oh yeah! The reason for the visit! Dad's bringing my car back so it can reside in my carport. He said he's taking the battery out and taking the beepbeep, but I have the internet, if I feel like resolving those problems, I can. Soooooorted.org.nz
Dad also told me that he has finally got his electrician's registration. I am pleased and excited for him. I told him he should have a party or a celebration. It's taken him a long time to achieve this and I think the achievement should be marked.
Also, turns out Mum got the wrong end of the stick regarding Dad's work situation, what he actually said to Tim was that WINZ had sucked him dry - meaning he'd had to use his savings before being approved for the unemployment benefit. So he's still at his job, which is good, and pleasing to know. I must make a point of telling my keyworker that.
But anyway as I said, they should be here soon, so, laters guys.

So after I went for that 17km walk (having eaten only a topper before leaving), I got home, had 2 chocolate chip biscuits and a couple of mouthfuls of chocolate milk, then went to bed for a few hours. When I got up again, I had a muesli bar, some more chocolate milk, and another biscuit. Then I left for my keyworker appointment. After that, I had a cone with a flake from McDonald's, because I had a spare $1 and decided to treat myself. Then I came home. Well, actually, I went and enrolled at a GP on my way home, but still. Had an apple pie - one of those one-serving ones. And later on I had two egg sandwiches, and then two cups of milo. Didn't go to bed until 4am. Slept maybe 5 hours of the 7.5 I was laying there, maybe less. Got up, had weetbix, have been attempting to maintain a food schedule ever since because although my mind is working wonderfully at the moment, my body has ascertained that it still requires regular fuelling. Although, that being said, I've yet to have lunch. Lol.
Sam rang, asked if I can bring her some stuff if I visit. Hopefully Dad will take me to visit her, and I can walk home. Unless someone takes pity on me and donates the $3.40 for the train fare, but I don't really mind the walk, it's just the weather is sort of questionable. It's very windy, and rain showers keep blowing over. I'm all jeezy with walking, but I don't particularly feel like being soaked, nosir.
So they should be here soon.
Oh yeah! The reason for the visit! Dad's bringing my car back so it can reside in my carport. He said he's taking the battery out and taking the beepbeep, but I have the internet, if I feel like resolving those problems, I can. Soooooorted.org.nz
Dad also told me that he has finally got his electrician's registration. I am pleased and excited for him. I told him he should have a party or a celebration. It's taken him a long time to achieve this and I think the achievement should be marked.
Also, turns out Mum got the wrong end of the stick regarding Dad's work situation, what he actually said to Tim was that WINZ had sucked him dry - meaning he'd had to use his savings before being approved for the unemployment benefit. So he's still at his job, which is good, and pleasing to know. I must make a point of telling my keyworker that.
But anyway as I said, they should be here soon, so, laters guys.
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