Hello mindfuck XD
Posted September 12th 2012 at 01:33 PM by i_like_black
So it's like, half past midnight pretty much. Since 11am on the 11th, I've totalled 3 hrs sleep all up. It's the 13th by a gnat's whisker. Fuck I'm amazing.
I rang the crisis number to check how important it is to up the dosage of quetiapine. The lady said she would consider it pretty important, but basically there's not going to be anybody breathing down my neck checking. Based on that, I'ma continue with 500mg. I don't want to take 600mg. I don't like change, and I don't want my buzz killed. As long as I behave forwards from now, there's no reason why I shouldn't be allowed to have a decent buzz.
I had subway for lunch. Later on this evening, I was like, omg I wasted $30 on takeaways today. I felt pretty dumb. But it was worth it! I hadn't had McDonald's for breakfast in AGES, and those bagels were AMAZING, and also the subway I had for lunch just really, really hit the spot in such a good way.
I visited Sam in Tiaho Mai. I hung around for nearly 3 hours. I got lucky and I was let in before visiting hours started. Visiting technically starts at 3:30pm, and I got there at about 3pm, but Sam was just coming back from a van trip with Libby so the reception lady let me go in with them. So yeah we hung out and chatted and stuff. She's bored, of course, and hoping to come home soon. I told her about my night and she said that I'm fucking lucky not to be in hospital. I guess she's right.
I found out from the crisis lady I talked to tonight (for a whole five minutes, wow. I just found out what I wanted to know, then I was like, sweet, bye.) that apparently they closed the road because of me. LOL! I know I'm cool, but you don't have to close a road just so I can walk down the middle of it.
I don't know if I said this in my earlier blog entry, but apparently Owen may have some work for me, I just need to ring him. I would like to do some work (and earn some money), the only issue is, I have very little cash remaining for public transport at the moment, and there are a few places that I need to get to that sort of require spending time on public transport. Oopsies, should have bought less groceries.
Oh yeah, I bought a Big Wednesday ticket today. I'm going to walk down to the shop and scan it tomorrow. It will probably have won nothing, but on the other hand, it might have won something, so I'll check it. Just to satisfy myself.
Apparently it's 5.3 degrees and feels like 4.0 degrees. I second that! It feels like it's struggling to hit double digits in my bedroom. I suppose if I went to bed that wouldn't matter so much. I'm planning to go soon, I've got some books to read that will entertain me until I feel sleepy, but I just felt compelled to add to my online record of doings before doing any of that. Also I want to log on to RuneScape and spin the sof.
Night y'all
I rang the crisis number to check how important it is to up the dosage of quetiapine. The lady said she would consider it pretty important, but basically there's not going to be anybody breathing down my neck checking. Based on that, I'ma continue with 500mg. I don't want to take 600mg. I don't like change, and I don't want my buzz killed. As long as I behave forwards from now, there's no reason why I shouldn't be allowed to have a decent buzz.
I had subway for lunch. Later on this evening, I was like, omg I wasted $30 on takeaways today. I felt pretty dumb. But it was worth it! I hadn't had McDonald's for breakfast in AGES, and those bagels were AMAZING, and also the subway I had for lunch just really, really hit the spot in such a good way.
I visited Sam in Tiaho Mai. I hung around for nearly 3 hours. I got lucky and I was let in before visiting hours started. Visiting technically starts at 3:30pm, and I got there at about 3pm, but Sam was just coming back from a van trip with Libby so the reception lady let me go in with them. So yeah we hung out and chatted and stuff. She's bored, of course, and hoping to come home soon. I told her about my night and she said that I'm fucking lucky not to be in hospital. I guess she's right.
I found out from the crisis lady I talked to tonight (for a whole five minutes, wow. I just found out what I wanted to know, then I was like, sweet, bye.) that apparently they closed the road because of me. LOL! I know I'm cool, but you don't have to close a road just so I can walk down the middle of it.

I don't know if I said this in my earlier blog entry, but apparently Owen may have some work for me, I just need to ring him. I would like to do some work (and earn some money), the only issue is, I have very little cash remaining for public transport at the moment, and there are a few places that I need to get to that sort of require spending time on public transport. Oopsies, should have bought less groceries.
Oh yeah, I bought a Big Wednesday ticket today. I'm going to walk down to the shop and scan it tomorrow. It will probably have won nothing, but on the other hand, it might have won something, so I'll check it. Just to satisfy myself.
Apparently it's 5.3 degrees and feels like 4.0 degrees. I second that! It feels like it's struggling to hit double digits in my bedroom. I suppose if I went to bed that wouldn't matter so much. I'm planning to go soon, I've got some books to read that will entertain me until I feel sleepy, but I just felt compelled to add to my online record of doings before doing any of that. Also I want to log on to RuneScape and spin the sof.
Night y'all

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