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Posted September 5th 2012 at 11:31 AM by i_like_black

So Leisa came over today. It wasn't too bad, she didn't go on about community work, which is a bonus. She just wanted to go over this thing with me which was basically describe your entire life and all related goals - there was stuff about physical health, mental health, living situation, blah di blah di blah. At some point I mentioned the repetitiveness of the questions, and Leisa basically said, you have to remember that these are designed to be done with everyone. Then she goes on and says, "You're very high-functioning and very intelligent and I'm not sure you realise how rare that is." Or something like that.

Sure, I guess I don't consider myself all that unusual. I just . . . forget, I guess. It's not my fault. I grew up in an intelligent family and have generally (as a result of most high-school classes here being streamed) been surrounded by intelligent people at school. I know the old, half of the people you know are below average thing, but I think, just based on my friends, that much LESS than half the people I know are below average. In fact, probably a good 70 - 80% of them are around the same intelligence as I am. Apples to apples sort of thing. So I just wanted to say, it didn't occur to me.

I'm currently in the money-making phase of skilling on RuneScape. As soon as I'm done with that, it's straight back to firemaking. I'm up to level 94, and 99 is actually looking . . . achievable. I've decided fuck woodcutting, I'm going to get my first 99s in skills that have guaranteed rates of earning experience - such as firemaking, cooking, smithing, herblore, crafting, and magic (I'm sure I've missed some), where you can earn a constant rate of xp per hour. And I'll go chop ivy when I get bored.

Everybody likes my new haircut. This pleases me, because I really like it.

I went and visited Sam today. She's still in until at least Friday, but she said she has a meeting to talk about discharge on Friday. We played pool and she won. I also snuck her in some cigarettes and a spare lighter of mine, because going for nearly a week with no smokes is enough to drive anybody round the twist.

Hopefully we're getting our waste-water pipe for the washing machine on Friday. Leisa said she's got the money for it, and she mentioned something about picking me up early on Friday and taking me out to get it, and then dropping me off for my appointment with Judy. If it does end up going down like that, then that'll be good, and OMG, I'm going to do like 5 loads of washing - undies, clothes, towels, bedding, and more clothes . . . it's going to be so nice to have clean stuff!

We're going to take money from the power tin to put towards the phone and internet bill. The reason for this is that the first bill has a connection fee, plus a part-month charge for the first month, and then full charges for the following month because it's paid in advance. So $130 of the $200 is covered, then if me and Sam both put an extra $35 on it next week, then it's paid. And we'll still have money in the power tin.

Also, tomorrow, buying a tinny. We have decided, once more, to borrow from the power tin. We're going to split the tinny in half (which means we both owe the tin an extra $10 at some point in the future), and then get stoned our own ways. I have a pipe, but I'm seriously considering turning an old 1.5L bottle into a bong, because I much prefer bong smoking to pipe smoking. Burns your throat less.

Uhm, what else . . . I got groceries. I didn't get a Big Wednesday ticket because I figured I'd need the money for public transport. I was right. I was proud of myself for making such a sensible decision. I figure eventually I'll have enough money to buy a ticket, and when I do, if I wait sensibly, I'll have a higher chance of winning.

And I got a free train ride on the way back from Middlemore. That was pleasing.
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