Was gonna, was gonna.
Posted September 2nd 2012 at 03:16 AM by i_like_black
Set my alarm for sunrise, intending to get up and go for a run. You know what they say about the road to hell being paved with good intentions though . . . lol. Eventually dragged my ass out of bed at, get this, half past one in the afternoon. I thought it was still like eleven in the morning. So much for that. So yeah, I didn't go for a run. I'm a little disappointed in myself, but not too much, because what I really feel like doing today (aside from eating and smoking) is playing RuneScape.
I'm planning to get 95 woodcutting today whilst I read a Stephen King book and afk. I got 94 firemaking last night, and with my bonus 350k xp I went from 61 dungeoneering to 69 dungeoneering. So close to being able to wear that all levels 70+ cape. I've started to focus more on levelling my higher skills. I've been playing for nearly four years (it will be four years on December 16th) and it's about time I got a couple of 99s. I'm planning on doing all the easy ones - woodcutting, firemaking, fletching, cooking - and I also want 99 attack. I'm hoping to have all five of those by the end of this year, but knowing me I'll most likely get distracted and do other stuff.
Anywho that's all I have to say at the moment.
I'm planning to get 95 woodcutting today whilst I read a Stephen King book and afk. I got 94 firemaking last night, and with my bonus 350k xp I went from 61 dungeoneering to 69 dungeoneering. So close to being able to wear that all levels 70+ cape. I've started to focus more on levelling my higher skills. I've been playing for nearly four years (it will be four years on December 16th) and it's about time I got a couple of 99s. I'm planning on doing all the easy ones - woodcutting, firemaking, fletching, cooking - and I also want 99 attack. I'm hoping to have all five of those by the end of this year, but knowing me I'll most likely get distracted and do other stuff.
Anywho that's all I have to say at the moment.

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