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Yeeeeeeah XD

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Posted August 30th 2012 at 06:30 AM by i_like_black

$16 gym membership payment, $20 credit card repayment, $20 overdraft repayment, $5 fine repayment, $40 on groceries, $20 haircut, $35.80 tobacco (and papers and filters), $15 new shirt, $130 aside for when the property manger comes to pick up rent (because my benefit didn't automatically redirect it), $10 RuneScape membership, $3 ear-ring, $3 Lift Plus, $20 for the bill tins, and I still have about $30.

I. Feel. So. Rich.

My Invalid's Benefit finally got approved AND paid to me. It's unfortunate that the redirection of benefit didn't get automatically transferred and I'll have to sort that out, but still. Such a large amount of money! I don't expect this much every week, because it's likely that I've been back-payed, but it's still going to be a decent chunk more than I was getting on Sickness Benefit, and they need medical certificates less often, which means less doctor's appointments I guess. Or just get them done through the mental health system. My car insurace is due to go out on Monday night, but I'm not too concerned about that, because I know that my bank account will re-inflate. It's a nice feeling, financial security.

I have court tomorrow. Pending the outcome, I'll have either a fine, or jail time, and STILL have the community work order, or a fine, or jail time, and cancellation of the community work order. I'm really hoping for cancellation.

Supervision lady came around today. I got a letter saying I'm on my final written warning for supervision appointments. Due to a piece of my mail being in the neighbour's letterbox (and they don't check too often), I actually missed my first written warning. Assuming, come Tuesday, I'm not in jail, I will go to the appointment that has been made for me. If I AM in jail, then obviously that's going to be a little difficult to achieve.

I was wearing a t-shirt and jeans when she came over (post-smoke, just casual clothes), and she saw the scars on my arm from my most recent crazy, which was a fortnight ago - the scars are still quite purple and some of the scabs are still healing. I am guessing I went deeper than I realised at the time. Although at the time I was fucked up (deliberately) on zopiclone and rum, so I think I can be excused. Anyway supervision lady SAW the scars, and was like, "omg what happened there?!!?" - I crossed my arms behind my back and was like, nothing, been to hospital, been discharged, it's all good. She says I have to explain it to her at my next supervision appointment. Fuck that, I ain't explaining jack about my self-harm to them. The mental health services know about it, and aren't too concerned by it, so supervision can just fuck off.

Jens came over to see Sam today. On the bright side, he's not threatening her with hospital or respite. He's also thinking of changing up her sleep meds so that she can get a few decent night's worth of sleep, because we all know that when you sleep properly you feel better. So that's positive.

We lit a fire in a bowl and the driveway and nearly got busted. We were just standing there watching it burn when a Counties Manukau DHB car turns up, and we're like, oh shit who is it shit shit shit, and then we're like, OH FUCK IT'S JENS RUN! And Sam ran the bowl inside and I got the cold tap running so we put out the fire and then we were like, fuck, the house smells, so we opened the windows and Sam sprayed some spray and then we went and stood in the driveway and had a smoke, laughing fit to burst cos it was such a close call and we got such a buzz off it. And we were intensely glad that Jens wasn't there to see us, and that they went backwards down the driveway instead of driving up to turn around. Fuck it was a mean buzz though. The bowl's cracked from the temperature changing too fast, but it's not a big loss because the supermarket up the road sells sets of bowls exactly the same. And that was our fun way of dealing with the junk mail. >;D

And that's most of my day.
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