Posted August 25th 2012 at 10:24 AM by i_like_black
I'm still in a pretty decent mood.
I polished off that party mix last night. Which I mildly regret tonight, because it was nothing short of sugary deliciousness.
I washed my bloody jewellery in the shower tonight. It is now all clean and dry, and I am pleased. Practically every scab has been picked at least once. They're nearly healed, I reckon by the time Friday comes it'll just be dry skin and scars.
I started reading The Stand again because I'm temporarily bored of Harry Potter. I'm about halfway through the 4th book, I usually pause to read something else at some point during the 4th and 5th books simply because I've read them so many times - as a result of them being the only books I had for quite some time.
On Monday I'm going to the library to see if the book I ordered is there. And I'll check regularly throughout the week because I'd quite like to finish reading that book.
I've decided that the rules are dumb, and are there to stop me from having fun. I'm aware that saying that may sound like I'm unwell. I'm not. I just happen to believe there's little to no harm in going out for a hufflepuff and getting completely philosopher stoned. So this week, because I'll probably be going to jail come Friday, I'm going to spend some of my grocery money on a tinny. Yeeeehah. Good times.
Drinking isn't high on my priority list though, and I figure I'll keep taking my meds because, if nothing else, at least they help me stay asleep once I'm there. Although I'm still having the weird dreams. Not helpful.
I didn't get up until 11am today lol.
We went and visited Maria in hospital. It was all good, until this other patient Amber walked past while we were playing pool, and she either dropped a really nasty fart or had an accident. Anyway the three of us nearly RAN back up the hall to escape the smell. Kind of put a damper on it, me and Sam left not long after that. It was good to see Maria though, as neither of us had seen her since like, March.
Anyway I've nearly hit my xp target for the day on RuneScape, so goodnight.
Oh yeah, car insurance week next week. I probably should cancel it, apparently my chances of getting my license back come the end of October are not looking good because of how impulsive I am. How dumb. If they don't give it back I'm just going to lie to my Dad and say they have so that I can have my car back. I'm sick of catching the goddam bus everywhere.
I polished off that party mix last night. Which I mildly regret tonight, because it was nothing short of sugary deliciousness.
I washed my bloody jewellery in the shower tonight. It is now all clean and dry, and I am pleased. Practically every scab has been picked at least once. They're nearly healed, I reckon by the time Friday comes it'll just be dry skin and scars.
I started reading The Stand again because I'm temporarily bored of Harry Potter. I'm about halfway through the 4th book, I usually pause to read something else at some point during the 4th and 5th books simply because I've read them so many times - as a result of them being the only books I had for quite some time.
On Monday I'm going to the library to see if the book I ordered is there. And I'll check regularly throughout the week because I'd quite like to finish reading that book.
I've decided that the rules are dumb, and are there to stop me from having fun. I'm aware that saying that may sound like I'm unwell. I'm not. I just happen to believe there's little to no harm in going out for a hufflepuff and getting completely philosopher stoned. So this week, because I'll probably be going to jail come Friday, I'm going to spend some of my grocery money on a tinny. Yeeeehah. Good times.
Drinking isn't high on my priority list though, and I figure I'll keep taking my meds because, if nothing else, at least they help me stay asleep once I'm there. Although I'm still having the weird dreams. Not helpful.
I didn't get up until 11am today lol.
We went and visited Maria in hospital. It was all good, until this other patient Amber walked past while we were playing pool, and she either dropped a really nasty fart or had an accident. Anyway the three of us nearly RAN back up the hall to escape the smell. Kind of put a damper on it, me and Sam left not long after that. It was good to see Maria though, as neither of us had seen her since like, March.
Anyway I've nearly hit my xp target for the day on RuneScape, so goodnight.

Oh yeah, car insurance week next week. I probably should cancel it, apparently my chances of getting my license back come the end of October are not looking good because of how impulsive I am. How dumb. If they don't give it back I'm just going to lie to my Dad and say they have so that I can have my car back. I'm sick of catching the goddam bus everywhere.
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