Posted August 12th 2012 at 11:38 AM by i_like_black
I'm pretty sure today is Sunday. Although I have been getting the days of the week a little bit mixed up, because I haven't really been paying attention to them, and the shows on FOUR are the same Monday through Friday. Wait, today MUST be Sunday, because Top Chef was on. Solved.
Jess ran out of tobacco. Completely and entirely. No tailies, no rollies, no money til Wednesday. Gutted. So Jess has to fill her time with other things. Jess cleaned the rest of the inside windows, and established she will need a ladder to clean the windows outside. She decided that standing on the window ledge 2m off the ground in order to clean windows was not a safe idea, so she didn't do that. Jess also cracked open the Jif and cleaned the goddam shower. Admittedly it was disgusting, but the property manager lady basically refused to get it cleaned.
I am frustrated with the property manager lady, actually. Not that this is a new experience for me, ever since Fleming St I've had clashes with property managers. The thing is, this unit was NOT cleaned before we moved into it, and also, we found a whole lot of repairs that need doing. To date (and we've been here three weeks come Tuesday), the only thing that has been fixed is the tap that leaked, and the toilet overflow.
The oven has not been cleaned. It is disgusting.
The powerpoint is still broken. It needs replacing. (Also the probably the kitchen powerpoint too, because it overloads if you try and run more than one thing at a time from it.)
The washing line is still muntificated.
And our bedroom door handles are still basically non-existent.
We've mopped the floors, cleaned all the windows, and scrubbed out the bathroom. All things that should have been done before we moved in - especially because according to the property manager, the place was empty for a month before we moved in. So it's not like they didn't have enough time to come in, give it a once over, and get it up to scratch. It just frustrates me, because then when they do inspections, the work that THEY didn't do, which we had to pick up the slack for, reflects back on us if it hasn't been done. Totally unfair.
Outside is sounding mildly torrential. I am very glad to be inside and clean and dry, although I look forward to us getting a wastewater pipe for our washing machine so that we can do our washing at home. I did mine at a laundromat, Sam got hers done at respite. I am 100% sure that getting my washing washed and dried at home will cost me a lot less than $14. Probably closer to the region of $2, hot water for the wash, and then hang it either on my A-frame or outside to dry. Dryer is only really for emergency drying situations.
Moving is fraught with complications. It's still a gazillionbilliontrillionmillion times better than living at Mum's, but it's not without its frustrations.
I should go now.
Jess ran out of tobacco. Completely and entirely. No tailies, no rollies, no money til Wednesday. Gutted. So Jess has to fill her time with other things. Jess cleaned the rest of the inside windows, and established she will need a ladder to clean the windows outside. She decided that standing on the window ledge 2m off the ground in order to clean windows was not a safe idea, so she didn't do that. Jess also cracked open the Jif and cleaned the goddam shower. Admittedly it was disgusting, but the property manager lady basically refused to get it cleaned.
I am frustrated with the property manager lady, actually. Not that this is a new experience for me, ever since Fleming St I've had clashes with property managers. The thing is, this unit was NOT cleaned before we moved into it, and also, we found a whole lot of repairs that need doing. To date (and we've been here three weeks come Tuesday), the only thing that has been fixed is the tap that leaked, and the toilet overflow.
The oven has not been cleaned. It is disgusting.
The powerpoint is still broken. It needs replacing. (Also the probably the kitchen powerpoint too, because it overloads if you try and run more than one thing at a time from it.)
The washing line is still muntificated.
And our bedroom door handles are still basically non-existent.
We've mopped the floors, cleaned all the windows, and scrubbed out the bathroom. All things that should have been done before we moved in - especially because according to the property manager, the place was empty for a month before we moved in. So it's not like they didn't have enough time to come in, give it a once over, and get it up to scratch. It just frustrates me, because then when they do inspections, the work that THEY didn't do, which we had to pick up the slack for, reflects back on us if it hasn't been done. Totally unfair.
Outside is sounding mildly torrential. I am very glad to be inside and clean and dry, although I look forward to us getting a wastewater pipe for our washing machine so that we can do our washing at home. I did mine at a laundromat, Sam got hers done at respite. I am 100% sure that getting my washing washed and dried at home will cost me a lot less than $14. Probably closer to the region of $2, hot water for the wash, and then hang it either on my A-frame or outside to dry. Dryer is only really for emergency drying situations.
Moving is fraught with complications. It's still a gazillionbilliontrillionmillion times better than living at Mum's, but it's not without its frustrations.
I should go now.

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