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Another day not at the office.

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Posted August 11th 2012 at 10:18 AM by i_like_black

Who am I kidding, I've never worked in an office and never plan to. How boring would that be?

Although currently I have a couple of absolutely awesome ideas that might involve offices. (On a side note, I need to trim my fingernails.)

The first idea was to start an adult institute of sport. Where you can be coached and compete in the sport of your choice, regardless of how old you are when you start. I don't think age should be a barrier to sporting achievement but unfortunately, in a lot of sports, you don't even get a look-in to competitive training if you're beyond a certain age. The ethos of this institute would change that. As long as you're willing to put in the hard work (and obviuosly able to pay for either one-on-one or group coaching) then you can do it. Any sport you like, it would be a fully equipped sporting facility, focussing on the most popular sports, and also all those that are potentially Olympic sports. With the exceptions of equestrian and shooting, I have no idea how to train horses and I doubt I'd ever be allowed near guns. But yeah, that's my fabulous idea, because if you have the people willing to train, and pay to train, which I am sure there are plenty of (naturally, the institute would also have a fully equipped gym for people to train at, included in the cost of their training, etcetera, etcetera), then you can hire coaches who are qualified and professional, and pay them decently, because a lot of coaches either volunteer or get paid crap all - so it would be a win-win situation for both coaches and adult athletes. I know there are a lot of adults who would love to compete in their chosen discipline but simply haven't been given the opportunity.

And the other idea, would be one run entirely by volunteers, which would be a free-hug service. The idea is that, people who are having trouble, or who just want someone to listen, can come in, choose a volunteer who they're comfortable with to talk to, and if they would like to receive passive touch, or hugs, then they can say so, and get that physical comfort which is sometimes not available in other places. Because it would be run by volunteers (who would of course be monitored and have to pass police security checks and so forth), there would be no issues with keeping a prudent professional-client distance, and also because the clients would be able to choose the amount of physical contact - varying from none at all, to hugs or whatever, there would be no issues with clients feeling uncomfortable. Also I think it would be nice for those people who usually have to talk to anonymous people over the phone to be able to talk to someon face-to-face, and for free. Although naturally they would all have to sign the disclaimer that lets them know that if they themselves are in danger, or others are in danger, appropriate authorities will be informed. But that safety thing is in place everywhere so I think clients would be fairly happy with it. And I think it's a really good idea because there are a lot of people out there dying for some physical affection, and if there's somewhere they can go to get that, as well as just have someone listen to their problems and whatnot, then I think that could be very positive for communities as a whole.

So that's my two fabulous ideas.

On a different note, I had a completely weird dream, where down by the water front, I think it's called Tamaki Drive, flooded from ridiculous amounts of rain that somehow caused the sea level around Auckland to raise enough to flood the waterfront and lower downtown. It was weird because me and these other people had to swim through it and jump from rock to rock. I don't remember where we were going or why, I just remember waking up and thinking, wtf, rain by itself cannot raise the sea level, you need melting ice caps and shit like that to make that kind of a drastic change. And even when we have king tides, the worst that's ever happened with the combination of heavy rains and a king tide was surface flooding of the SH16 causeway, and I think that was last year or the year before, and it wasn't really major because once motorists knew they took a different route.

We need 7 new lightbulbs. Some lightbulbs are missing entirely or have blown, others are the old bulbs, and we're going to replace them with energy-saver bulbs because when we eventually get our GloBug pack (we are STILL on emergency power) we want to use as little power as possible, so that we don't have to go and buy top-ups all the time. Also, we have to work out how the top-up cards actually work because neither of us has had GloBug power before. I've always been on paid monthly, and the last flat Sam was in, her flatmate took care of the GloBug. Most of the time, apparently that wasn't a very good flat.

It's Sam's birthday on Tuesday and I haven't got her anything. I think most likely I'll make her a card. Hopefully she'll be released from respite on Monday, she's already been there nearly a week longer than they said she would be and she's sick of it, she's actually feeling really well now and is ready to come home. So hopefully, Monday. She said even if she isn't given permission, she's coming home for her birthday, and fair enough. Nobody wants to be in respite on their birthday, and it'll just be unfair if they keep her there. She's planning to have a few drinks to celebrate. Should be good I guess, although I don't really drink much because it doesn't really do anything for me. Aside from make me sleepy.

I swear the temperature thingy is lying. I've felt cold all day today, and it's been rainy and windy and cloudy and yuck, but the temperature gadget on my laptop (which gets the temperature from the internet, my laptop doesn't have a thermometer lol) has said that it's been mild and temperate all day. I bet if I go to the MetService website it'll be "14 but feels like 7", whereas my laptop only says the actual temperature.

I made it so that I'll never be assigned warped terrorbirds for a task ever again. I hate them, and the other night, I was killing them, and not paying attention, and I died. Luckily I didn't lose anything, but still, it was a bit too close for comfort, and their drops aren't that great anyway. I'd far rather get warped tortoises, but I have never once been assigned those, much to my disgust. Anyway my new task is black demons, which is a nice, easy, high-experience task. Although it won't get me 75 slayer, it'll get me close enough that the next task will do it for me. And then, I can go to the HIGHEST level slayer master, whose name is either Kuradal or Kuradel, I always forget how to spell that.

And also, I did the new quest, "Some Like it Cold", and because I finished it within the Early-Bird period I got an extra experience tome upon completion. But I really need to finish "The Curse of Arrav" and a few other quests so I can do "While Guthix Sleeps". Well, I suppose at the moment I have plenty of spare time, and I'm not doing much else, so I'll get around to them.

I've been thinking I should be cracking out the sax on a more regular basis. I'm a good player, and with practise I'm a fucking excellent player, so I should play. I have a music stand, and most of my music is within easy reach, it's just a matter of actually getting it out and playing it. It'll happen. Eventually.

The same way a fitness plan involving our driveway (good ol' Jenny Craig) and our porch and steps and my dumbells will happen. Eventually. I do rather want a speed-rope though, I had fun skipping with Anna last year.

I am hearing noises that are suggestive of the cats going mental. I should therefore end this blog post.

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