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Lol'ing at my cat.

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Posted July 22nd 2012 at 10:14 AM by i_like_black

So, Linny's food bowl (the one in my room, he also has one in the main house) currently has no food in it because I don't want to open the new bag until I move, on Tuesday. But he's determined - he's currently pushing around the pieces to get to the crumbs he's left around and under the food bowl. I found it kind of funny, his determination. He's like, "fuck you I know there's food here somewhere! I can smell it!"

On the bright side, him clearing up his crumbs now means that come Tuesday, vacuuming is going to be somewhat easier. Yay. I hate vacuuming, so it's nice that the new place has corkboard floors - just need to sweep occasionally.

I am, however, going to get a large floor rug for my bedroom. I dislike standing on cold surfaces when I first get out of bed, I find it easier to get up and get moving if I'm standing on something that isn't cold and hard. So a nice rug will work well in my new room - I just have to look around to find one that I like, that is the right size.

I might put some meat out here for Linny tomorrow night, so that he doesn't feel like his belly has been neglected. He doesn't eat meals, he grazes, so it's actually good to have food available to him at most times. When I move, I'm going to keep his biscuit dish in my room, because I don't want Cheeky stealing his food. Spider used to steal his food and I think that's part of why he's such a small cat. He's a healthy weight though, the vet said so when I took him in for his paw - which is completely healed now, by the way, and fully functional.

I had a shower tonight. Probably my last shower ever at this address. If I ever get told to move back again, I'm basically going to say "fuck you" and piss off into the night in my car - which I should be getting back near the end of October. I really miss driving. I even miss paying for petrol, how weird is that?

Oh, I'm like level 60-something in Jetpack Joyride now. It's so addictive, I'm going to have to find a new game once I've completed it. Just to keep me busy. Oh and I STILL want a wallcharger, charging off my laptop is a pain in the aaaaaanus.

I have to remember to take out ALL my rubbish and recycling tomorrow night. Don't want to take any trash with me to the new place. I also need to get some boxes and some trash-sacks tomorrow. Boxes for the books that are currently on my bookshelf, trash-sacks so I can both empty my chest of drawers and have a place to put the sundry items that litter my bedroom. I want the move to go as smoothly as possible, so that when we're done, I can just have some dinner, have a shower, and go to bed - and think about things like a landline and changing the power to on-account later. Once we have a landline, I also need (well, want) to set up internet. And I need to ask whether water is included in our rent or if we pay that separately.

It's so nice to have done this before, it gives me a sense of security knowing that I know what I'm doing with regards to moving and getting everything set up to be a fully functional flat. Makes me feel . . . organised. Judy says she thinks I'm really organised on my own, and just happen to live in a very haphazard environment at the moment. She may be right. She also thinks that I'm quite a caring person. I don't know where I stand on that one. I think I'll stick with Melodie's interpretation, which was basically I'm generally nice and all that, but when I'm high I'm basically a douche. Lol. Except she didn't use those words. She said that the personality profile thing came back anti-social, but she thinks that's mainly because at times I'm very impulsive and don't think of consequences or how it will affect others - but I don't think very much at all when I'm in that place, beyond, "hey I'll try this! It could be fun/a buzz." Yeah, I'm cool.

Linny has taken to sitting in mildly unusual places in the last few days. Maybe he's feeling restless. The weather has been sort of inhibitive, he doesn't like rain but he naturally is quite energetic. Well, he'll have a new place to explore soon, and Sam said Cheeky has basically everything a cat could want - a scratching post with toys dangling from it, and a multi-tiered cat tower. Hopefully him and Linny won't fight for very long and will be buddies. I'm pretty sure Linny will adjust relatively quickly as when he was small he lived with another cat (Spider), but I'm not so sure about Cheeky - I think Cheeky has always been a solo cat so he might find it quite hard at first.

It seems I have developed verbal diarrohea once more. This happens every so often, I just find I have a lot to say and I feel like it can't wait until later in case I forget it. Oh wells, TH gets spam about my everyday life. Hope nobody minds.

Oh and I brushed my teeth today LOL. First time since I was in ICA. I know, I'm disgusting, but my teeth actually fare reasonably well - I only brushed cos they felt funny, they didn't look too bad - although clearly they look better now that they are clean. I will probably have better dental hygiene in the new place because the bathroom and my bedroom will be under the same roof, meaning I can get from one to the other without either being soaked or freezing my ass off. Happy days.

Linny keeps going under next door's house. I wouldn't mind, except he's obviously going through heavily cobwebbed places, and keeps coming back in with dead daddy long legs (I think people from other countries call them cellar spiders?) attached to his fur, which he then tries to rub off onto me. I. Don't. Like. Spiders. And am therefore not appreciative of this treatment. If I didn't have issues with spiders I suppose I'd just pick them off and throw them in the bin, but I DO have issues with spiders, and I don't even know why.

Oh yeah, I drew a mildly cool but completely half-arsed spider on the whiteboard at my appointment with Judy on Friday. I also drew my signature cartoon thingy, but the spider was more interesting because I've never tried to draw an (almost) anatomically correct spider on a whiteboard before. Oh well, doing new things is good.

I have this vague feeling that I've written enough to bore whoever reads this to tears. If that's you, I do apologise.

I can feel my quetiapine starting to kick in now. Niiiiiiiiiight. *insert Nirvana smiley face here*
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