Posted July 16th 2012 at 04:04 AM by i_like_black
Eye-contact is a bitch. Right now, I pretty much struggle to do it - at all. I'm sure all the people that I'm only just meeting must think I'm strange, but when I'm low, or coming out of a low, I feel quite anxious in social situations, and making eye-contact actually scares me right now, it makes me feel excessively vulnerable.
On the bright side, I have a move date! It's most likely going to be next Tuesday (the 24th of July) and I just have to sort out some financial stuff with WINZ first.
The CLS lady said that they arrange a moving truck and everything, and she also said something about talking to my doctor to get me on Invalid's Benefit so I can get more money. Hopefully with her in charge, I'll actually qualify, seeing as my current GP (not my psychiatrist) seems a bit naive to the workings of WINZ. So if she can organise that for me, I'll have pretty much no financial stress whatsoever.
Sam is cool, so we should flat well together. She's about a year younger than me, so close enough in age that it won't be weird, how it was with John - that was just a whole pile of awkward sauce. And yeah. Both smokers, both with cats, but we got told not to mention the cats because according to the CLS lady once they're there, there's nothing Keys can do about it. (Keys is the company that the housing is through, CLS just links everything together.)
Also, apparently CLS has something called a financial package, which was explained to me as being, if you need something - for example, a bed - then they'll help you get it. However between me and Sam I think we have pretty much everything that we could need.
I am nervous about moving. Not sure why, just am. It'll be new and stuff. We'll need to set up a landline, and I hope to set up internet as well, but from the 24th, if I'm gone for a week or so, don't worry about it as it will be a result of everything still being in progress.
And right now, I'm kinda hungry, so I'm going to go and get some afternoon tea or something like that.

On the bright side, I have a move date! It's most likely going to be next Tuesday (the 24th of July) and I just have to sort out some financial stuff with WINZ first.
The CLS lady said that they arrange a moving truck and everything, and she also said something about talking to my doctor to get me on Invalid's Benefit so I can get more money. Hopefully with her in charge, I'll actually qualify, seeing as my current GP (not my psychiatrist) seems a bit naive to the workings of WINZ. So if she can organise that for me, I'll have pretty much no financial stress whatsoever.
Sam is cool, so we should flat well together. She's about a year younger than me, so close enough in age that it won't be weird, how it was with John - that was just a whole pile of awkward sauce. And yeah. Both smokers, both with cats, but we got told not to mention the cats because according to the CLS lady once they're there, there's nothing Keys can do about it. (Keys is the company that the housing is through, CLS just links everything together.)
Also, apparently CLS has something called a financial package, which was explained to me as being, if you need something - for example, a bed - then they'll help you get it. However between me and Sam I think we have pretty much everything that we could need.
I am nervous about moving. Not sure why, just am. It'll be new and stuff. We'll need to set up a landline, and I hope to set up internet as well, but from the 24th, if I'm gone for a week or so, don't worry about it as it will be a result of everything still being in progress.
And right now, I'm kinda hungry, so I'm going to go and get some afternoon tea or something like that.

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