So anyways.
Posted June 26th 2012 at 11:49 AM by i_like_black
Took my cat to the vet today. He has an injured toe from attempting to climb a rose bush a couple of weeks ago, and it doesn't seem to be healing properly, so took him to get it looked at. The vet trimmed his claw, cleansed the wound - to the point of washing the scab off - and felt all around it, she said she couldn't feel anything in the wound, but it does feel quite warm, so he's been given a course of antibiotics. Half of a tablet each morning and evening for the next 5 days. Luckily he's a fairly placid cat when it comes to being medicated, so as long as somebody holds him, you just shove the pill down his throat with your fingers and he swallows. He doesn't bite or scratch, what a good kitteh. =
The vet also said he's a perfectly healthy weight (he weighed in at a whopping 4.4kg lol, so he's gained 300g since I last weighed him - probably just his winter layer), and he has a little bit of tartar on his teeth but it's nothing to worry about. He's nearly 3, so a little tartar isn't surprising.
Went up to probation, as I'm supposed to. The awkward question of why The Cottage considered me too high-risk to accept the referral came up, I told them it was probably due to the habit I picked up of walking on the motorway last year. He seemed satisfied with that response. He's also changed my time to Thursdays, after community work, so that I only have to go up there once a week. I find that to be a very welcome change.
Didn't go cold-calling. Also, didn't receive any annoying phone calls. Turns out, my work broker was sick today. Lol! She sent me a text saying she's sick and will call tomorrow. Guess who's diverting calls to voicemail tomorrow?
I have to get up early tomorrow morning because I'm going into Greenlane with Nana. She's having a browlift done, because when they removed a melanoma a couple of years ago, the geniuses severed a nerve and also a muscle connection, so her right eyebrow has been drooping into her field of vision ever since, and she's just sellotaped it out of the way when it's annoyed her too much. But it's good to know that she will be finally getting this necessary work done, especially with her knee replacement looming.
I learned today that I should probably stop over-taxing my laptop. If I give it too much to do, certain things freeze. Not good. And as I haven't finished paying Dad the money I borrowed off him towards this one, I don't feel right saving towards another. That time will come . . . when it does, I'm going either Apple or Alienware. Probably Alienware, even though I really hate Dell . . . I guess they make ONE decent product at least.
Am feeling a bit better. Maybe I get to get away with just a short low this time. We'll see. Or maybe it's just that I had virtually no interaction with my sister today, that always helps. She's turned into such a bitch lately. Oh well.
Laters, gs.

The vet also said he's a perfectly healthy weight (he weighed in at a whopping 4.4kg lol, so he's gained 300g since I last weighed him - probably just his winter layer), and he has a little bit of tartar on his teeth but it's nothing to worry about. He's nearly 3, so a little tartar isn't surprising.
Went up to probation, as I'm supposed to. The awkward question of why The Cottage considered me too high-risk to accept the referral came up, I told them it was probably due to the habit I picked up of walking on the motorway last year. He seemed satisfied with that response. He's also changed my time to Thursdays, after community work, so that I only have to go up there once a week. I find that to be a very welcome change.
Didn't go cold-calling. Also, didn't receive any annoying phone calls. Turns out, my work broker was sick today. Lol! She sent me a text saying she's sick and will call tomorrow. Guess who's diverting calls to voicemail tomorrow?

I have to get up early tomorrow morning because I'm going into Greenlane with Nana. She's having a browlift done, because when they removed a melanoma a couple of years ago, the geniuses severed a nerve and also a muscle connection, so her right eyebrow has been drooping into her field of vision ever since, and she's just sellotaped it out of the way when it's annoyed her too much. But it's good to know that she will be finally getting this necessary work done, especially with her knee replacement looming.
I learned today that I should probably stop over-taxing my laptop. If I give it too much to do, certain things freeze. Not good. And as I haven't finished paying Dad the money I borrowed off him towards this one, I don't feel right saving towards another. That time will come . . . when it does, I'm going either Apple or Alienware. Probably Alienware, even though I really hate Dell . . . I guess they make ONE decent product at least.
Am feeling a bit better. Maybe I get to get away with just a short low this time. We'll see. Or maybe it's just that I had virtually no interaction with my sister today, that always helps. She's turned into such a bitch lately. Oh well.
Laters, gs.
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