Some good news and some other stuff.
Posted May 15th 2012 at 10:49 AM by i_like_black
Firstly, I have some questions:
1. How do you change the font etc. of your blog without having to use the BBcodes every time? Is there a control panel somewhere? Where?
2. Images in blogs? How do you put them there?
3. How do I change the name of my blog/blog cover picture/etc? Normally I'm ok with website stuff but this is vaguely mystifying me.
So if you know the answers to any of those, could you please tell me? Thanks.
Good news! Turns out the court summons is for the court date in Taupo next month which I already knew about. So I can relax, that's the vehicle related one which I'm simply hoping to get something like community service for. A lesser sentence, if you will, as I was advised to plead not guilty but I am entirely sure that I will be found guilty. And therefore I will receive a sentence of some description, but that's ok.
The police station somehow managed to lose my summons, but they made a note of me coming in to uplift it, and they said when they find it they'll send it to the police station in my township so I can walk there. It was being held one town over until today. I have no idea how they managed to lose a summons though, that's fairly slack, but it's moot now.
Tomorrow, I am going to Sylvia Park. Apparently Mum went today, which is of no help to me because I don't have money until Wednesdays and it's usually all gone by the time Friday rolls around. Money issues, I have them. But I'm going there to go to Countdown, because they sell the chips I like, and because I need new razor cartridges (haven't shaved my legs for a couple of months and I actually like having shaved legs), and because I'll probably pick up fizzy and chocolate and maybe a magazine or a lotto ticket, depending on how much I end up having. Because I still need to have public transport money, plus I need to pay Mum rent, plus I need to transfer my grandfather the rest of the money I borrowed last time I was in Taupo. And I'll be wanting cigarettes too, which is about another $20 for a pack of 30. I know I could save money by quitting but at this point in my life I don't want to quit.
I haven't cut for the last week or so, last time I cut it was just one, and it's pretty much healed now aside from the scar. I don't know how long this will last, most likely until my mood drops again - I've been fairly stable mood-wise for the last few weeks. I'm sure my new psychologist is probably wondering why we're even meeting at all, I know I'm wondering. There doesn't seem to be any point in weekly appointments when I just come in and everything's status quo, there's nothing much to talk about, and they inevitably bring up the subject of DBT.
The weather's cooling down properly now. We had that cold snap a couple of weeks ago, then it warmed up again briefly, but now the temperature is just gradually dropping off. Bring on winter! My Mum said she doesn't like winter lol. I don't mind it, I just make sure I have snaplock bags for my cellphone and stuff if it's looking like it's going to be raining steadily. I lost one cellphone to rain damage, one is enough.
Considering looking for work. Sick of being poor. Don't really know where to look. No qualifications, no driver's license, multiple convictions. Ha. Wish me luck with that search.
1. How do you change the font etc. of your blog without having to use the BBcodes every time? Is there a control panel somewhere? Where?
2. Images in blogs? How do you put them there?
3. How do I change the name of my blog/blog cover picture/etc? Normally I'm ok with website stuff but this is vaguely mystifying me.
So if you know the answers to any of those, could you please tell me? Thanks.
Good news! Turns out the court summons is for the court date in Taupo next month which I already knew about. So I can relax, that's the vehicle related one which I'm simply hoping to get something like community service for. A lesser sentence, if you will, as I was advised to plead not guilty but I am entirely sure that I will be found guilty. And therefore I will receive a sentence of some description, but that's ok.
The police station somehow managed to lose my summons, but they made a note of me coming in to uplift it, and they said when they find it they'll send it to the police station in my township so I can walk there. It was being held one town over until today. I have no idea how they managed to lose a summons though, that's fairly slack, but it's moot now.
Tomorrow, I am going to Sylvia Park. Apparently Mum went today, which is of no help to me because I don't have money until Wednesdays and it's usually all gone by the time Friday rolls around. Money issues, I have them. But I'm going there to go to Countdown, because they sell the chips I like, and because I need new razor cartridges (haven't shaved my legs for a couple of months and I actually like having shaved legs), and because I'll probably pick up fizzy and chocolate and maybe a magazine or a lotto ticket, depending on how much I end up having. Because I still need to have public transport money, plus I need to pay Mum rent, plus I need to transfer my grandfather the rest of the money I borrowed last time I was in Taupo. And I'll be wanting cigarettes too, which is about another $20 for a pack of 30. I know I could save money by quitting but at this point in my life I don't want to quit.
I haven't cut for the last week or so, last time I cut it was just one, and it's pretty much healed now aside from the scar. I don't know how long this will last, most likely until my mood drops again - I've been fairly stable mood-wise for the last few weeks. I'm sure my new psychologist is probably wondering why we're even meeting at all, I know I'm wondering. There doesn't seem to be any point in weekly appointments when I just come in and everything's status quo, there's nothing much to talk about, and they inevitably bring up the subject of DBT.
The weather's cooling down properly now. We had that cold snap a couple of weeks ago, then it warmed up again briefly, but now the temperature is just gradually dropping off. Bring on winter! My Mum said she doesn't like winter lol. I don't mind it, I just make sure I have snaplock bags for my cellphone and stuff if it's looking like it's going to be raining steadily. I lost one cellphone to rain damage, one is enough.
Considering looking for work. Sick of being poor. Don't really know where to look. No qualifications, no driver's license, multiple convictions. Ha. Wish me luck with that search.
Total Comments 1
1. There is.
Go to http://www.teenhelp.org/profile.php?do=editoptions and scroll to the very bottom.
2. From FAQ:
How do I add an image to a post?
If you have uploaded an image as an attachment, you can click the arrow next to the 'Attachment Icon' and select it from the list. This will be inserted into your post and can be located where you want it displayed.
To include an image that is not uploaded as an attachment and is located on another website, you can do so by copying the full URL to the image, (not the page on which the image is located), and either pressing the 'Insert Image' icon or by typing [img] before the URL and [/img] after it, ensuring that you do not have any spaces before or after the URL of the image. You can insert pictures from your albums (?) in this way too.
3. In the Blog Control Panel: http://www.teenhelp.org/blog_usercp.php (look at the panel on the left side of the screen).
In terms of jobs, have you thought about applying to volunteer somewhere first? Jobs often hire individuals whose work ethics and character traits they know, so starting off in a volunteer position could be a way to circumvent some of the things you mentioned.
Good luck!Posted May 15th 2012 at 02:48 PM by Katrina