For Lucifer
Posted June 19th 2012 at 08:49 PM by Hopeyyy

I want to die.
Not just because I'm miserable, but because.I'm sad all the time and I have become a burden for everyone. And if I was dead, it would be a giant lift off of everyones shoulder.
I never wanted it to be like this.
I just want to be happy.
I don't think I ever gone at least two months without being happy. I've been angry. And even emotionless. But never happy for too long. It's like God doesn't want me happy for too long, afraid I might do something that will affect things in such a bad way it can not, and will not be fixed. Maybe God doesn't want me.
Yeah, that's it. It's gotta be it. He doesn't want me, so.he just let Lucifer have me and take over my emotions and conrol everything I do.
How can I beat an evil without an good?
Isn't good supposed to truimph over evil?
It used to, I guess.
"Used to."
That's everything now though... Used to a girl would get pregnant the guy HAS to marry her. Used to if you were poor you stayed poor. Used to kids weren't labeled as having problems. Used to this land meant freedom. Used to God meant something.
Where's God now?
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