come baxck
Posted June 17th 2011 at 05:20 AM by Hopeyyy
Tags love, suicide attempt death
I missyou alot Bryan..please come back yuur my life. I want to die because Im without yuu plz talk to me I cant take this pain i see people who are always happy and it makes me sick my friends even got over their exs but im still in love with yuu and i dont want to be if yuur not in love with me i wanna die and die i want to make a sucode attempt again....but this time..yuu wont be able to save me...because yuu dnt care...i love yuu.i wish yui would read this....i wish soneomne would text yuu this...text yuu to tell yuu to save my i love yuu but yuur my death wish</3 goodbye......

Total Comments 5
hey hopeyyy
I know how you feel, i have an ex, and it has taken about 2 years, but i am slowly starting to get over him. Honestly, it does get easier with time, even though it may not feel like it. i felt the exact same way. i still miss him, but its a LOT better. you arent alone. im here if you want to talkPosted June 17th 2011 at 05:38 AM by Lil'OrphanAnnie -
Quote:hey hopeyyy
I know how you feel, i have an ex, and it has taken about 2 years, but i am slowly starting to get over him. Honestly, it does get easier with time, even though it may not feel like it. i felt the exact same way. i still miss him, but its a LOT better. you arent alone. im here if you want to talkPosted June 17th 2011 at 05:41 AM by Hopeyyy -
Posted June 17th 2011 at 05:52 AM by Lil'OrphanAnnie -
Posted June 17th 2011 at 05:56 AM by Hopeyyy -
Posted June 17th 2011 at 07:56 AM by Coffee.