Magazine Side Table
For my first recycled magazine project I chose to do a side table, something that I actually need. And the magazine table is perfect! My bed stand is always cluttered with little nick-knacks and I always knock them off the table when I blindly hit the alarm clock in the morning. Now there is only room for my clock and the book I'm reading at the time.
Basically, you fold 10-page sections of pages into the center crease of the magazine. Do this for about 2 or 3 magazines (or in my case, 5 or 6! I wanted the loops to be more condensed). Then you glue the magazines together. I had some troubles with it at first, but as I went it seemed to get easier and easier.
Since each individual table is only about a foot high, I had to do two in order to get the height I wanted.
I got the directions for this at
but if you need a visual (like me) you can go to this:
Unfortunately I can't post pictures of my project in my blog, but I will post them in an album an on my page. Please let me know if you have any questions about the project, or if either one of the links doesn't work for you.
Thanks for reading!!!
Basically, you fold 10-page sections of pages into the center crease of the magazine. Do this for about 2 or 3 magazines (or in my case, 5 or 6! I wanted the loops to be more condensed). Then you glue the magazines together. I had some troubles with it at first, but as I went it seemed to get easier and easier.
Since each individual table is only about a foot high, I had to do two in order to get the height I wanted.
I got the directions for this at
but if you need a visual (like me) you can go to this:
Unfortunately I can't post pictures of my project in my blog, but I will post them in an album an on my page. Please let me know if you have any questions about the project, or if either one of the links doesn't work for you.
Thanks for reading!!!

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