I'm tired of... (rant-?)
Posted June 30th 2012 at 10:32 PM by George^^
I'm tired of people judging me for things that don't apply to me. Especially my age. It's frustrating to have to be held back because of my fucking age. - It's true, I've only been on this planet for about 14 freaking years, but I am, in many ways, not the same as everyone else my age. Do you want to know what my peers are doing? Acting like what they do today does not affect what they do tomorrow. That's not me, so people shouldn't act like it is! 
Recently, people have said that I am probably not looking for a serious relationship, don't know what I want, and will change over the next four years as I grow older. These are things said by other people about me, and I know that this is all pretty true in a lot of cases, but I don't feel like they are completely true about me.
Maybe I do want to have something be all cutesy and not serious, but that doesn't mean I don't want a committed relationship with communication that is more than fun all the time.
Maybe I don't always know what I want, but I do know what is right for me.
Maybe I will change over the next four years, I cannot see the future, but I believe that who I am now has plenty of bases in the person I will be in the future.
I am not a child, but I am young. I do not need people to tell me that I am being stupid, or that I am not ready, or that I should just "wait" to do things like this. I need to be able to make my own choices and learn from my mistakes, to learn to be a better person from the things I've done, but I also need people to be there for me, not judging for when I do need them and when their advice might have been right.

Recently, people have said that I am probably not looking for a serious relationship, don't know what I want, and will change over the next four years as I grow older. These are things said by other people about me, and I know that this is all pretty true in a lot of cases, but I don't feel like they are completely true about me.
Maybe I do want to have something be all cutesy and not serious, but that doesn't mean I don't want a committed relationship with communication that is more than fun all the time.
Maybe I don't always know what I want, but I do know what is right for me.
Maybe I will change over the next four years, I cannot see the future, but I believe that who I am now has plenty of bases in the person I will be in the future.
I am not a child, but I am young. I do not need people to tell me that I am being stupid, or that I am not ready, or that I should just "wait" to do things like this. I need to be able to make my own choices and learn from my mistakes, to learn to be a better person from the things I've done, but I also need people to be there for me, not judging for when I do need them and when their advice might have been right.
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