Posted August 25th 2012 at 10:59 PM by George^^
Gosh. I just love the stereotype that just because I'm not straight and I am "female" that I'm attracted to all the other females that are close to me. Thanks mom! But alas, no. As much as I consider Kidd to be hot and I enjoy sharing sexual jokes with her and flirting, I wouldn't touch her because instead of being someone I want a sexual relationship with, she's my friend, my rock when I need someone because I'm hurting. Or Aija, my bestie. I'll gladly share sexual jokes with her, but...
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Posted August 19th 2012 at 11:01 PM by George^^
I kind of wished I never existed. I don't know how to function. I don't know anything. I've been told that I'm kind, that I'm mature, that I'm smart, that I know what's good for me. I don't. I don't know anything. I just do what feels fitting and live with it. I've been told I'm brave. I'm not.
Why do people exist if they're nothing? I'm nothing in every sense of the word. People make it seem like I'm something important but I'm not. It feels like I pretend almost all of the time,...
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Posted August 19th 2012 at 02:43 AM by George^^
I hate the closet, but I also pretty much hate being out to people who actually kind of disrespect me without even freaking realizing it. I recognize that it's hard, but common, most of it takes just a little brain power!
I hate being in the closet because it's like lying about who I am constantly. I'm being someone that I actually am not and has not existed for the longest time. I want to be able to use my rightful pronouns and the right clothing, the right bathroom, all sorts of...
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Posted July 21st 2012 at 10:09 PM by George^^
I feel like I'm going to crumble, that I'm going to blow away in the wind like dust. I'm so there at the moment. I'm just so so so so tired. I'm just ready to burry myself in the covers and never come out. Not to eat and not to talk.
I'm just so tired of being so different. I'm just so tired of never fitting in, never feeling like I belong. I just want to give up. Lock away everything and just pretend that it's all right, that I don't exist.
Like, now I have to deal...
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Posted July 15th 2012 at 11:20 PM by George^^
I'm quickly finding out that I do have triggers, mainly unavoidable ones, too. Like, people's usually offhand comments, someone telling me that there is something wrong with my appearance either something I'm personally not happy with or something I actually like, someone doubting me when I'm being true, my mother's nagging.
These are all ordinary things, nothing too bad, yet they send me reeling. They make me want to die. Sadly, I will almost never be able to avoid any of these....
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Posted July 14th 2012 at 10:58 AM by George^^
Updated July 15th 2012 at 12:32 AM by Storyteller.
(Adding prefix.)
I feel like shit. I haven't slept, I haven't ate real food since the 12th, I'm in pain, both emotionally and physically. I'm just in so much pain right now.- The physical pain doesn't matter, it doesn't. It'll go away, it'll fade, but my emotional pain doesn't. It only hides and plays pretend long enough for me to fucking act like I'm a perfectly fine person, no, a perfectly fine teenage girl. But I'm not.
First of all, I am not a girl, and no one seems to freaking understand that....
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Posted July 7th 2012 at 03:27 AM by George^^
I'm tired of letting people walk all over me. I'm just sick of it all. Just because I don't like to pick fights does not give anyone the right to just use me, or act like they can say, do, or treat me/my things in any way without a care!
I don't pick fights because whenever I do I blame myself for doing something wrong, when all I was doing was sticking up for myself for once. That's all I ever tried to do with Cas, and look where it's gotten me? Another therapy, another school where...
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Posted July 6th 2012 at 08:42 PM by George^^
At the moment, I'm annoyed at both myself, and a few other people. I'm sorry that I rant so much, but it honestly helps, since I'm too much of a damn coward to actually face the people I'm annoyed at  . I don't want conflict and I don't want to be misunderstood, so it's best to forget after ranting.
Like, I'm annoyed at myself because there are people that I can't say no to. I don't know how to say no and then I do things and then sometimes I don't like what I've done and sometimes...
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Posted July 2nd 2012 at 08:45 PM by George^^
Thinking back on some things, I've realized that I'm pretty stupid. But not in a mean way, more in a "that-was-really-dumb!" way.
Like, I've once thought that Elton John and John Lennon were the same person.
I've also thought that Oli from Bring Me The Horizon was Andy Sixx from Black Veil Bride were the same person.
When on the train from Ottawa to Toronto I thought Lake Ontario was the ocean.
I once questioned why flies die...
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Posted June 30th 2012 at 10:32 PM by George^^
I'm tired of people judging me for things that don't apply to me. Especially my age. It's frustrating to have to be held back because of my fucking age. - It's true, I've only been on this planet for about 14 freaking years, but I am, in many ways, not the same as everyone else my age. Do you want to know what my peers are doing? Acting like what they do today does not affect what they do tomorrow. That's not me, so people shouldn't act like it is!
Recently, people have said...
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