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Internet is beautiful!

Posted September 1st 2015 at 06:16 PM by Evanesco (Lost in Time and Space)

I have internet again. It's amazing. There's only wired internet so I can only get it on my laptop and not my phone, but it's better than before, so much better than before!

Also my new room is really nice. I have a fridge and a sink in my room and my mum got me a microwave so I don't have to use the shared kitchen (which was a terrifying thought). And it's big, with big windows that open properly. My rats seem happy in their cage.

The only issue is I had a bit of a...
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word vomit (triggering)

Posted July 27th 2015 at 08:24 PM by Evanesco (Lost in Time and Space)

i have vodka and im going to get fucked because i feel really fucking shit and i want to overdose but at the same time i dont want to be abusive and if i kill myself they might think its because they left me and if i survive then im being abusive and if i dont i might make them feel guilty
i still might. we'll see how i feel later i guess. i just want to drink until oblivion.
i drinked until i things dont hurt anymore so that s good right i think thats good and now im singing to kyle...
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I hate you ED

Posted July 15th 2015 at 02:51 AM by Evanesco (Lost in Time and Space)

I'm so hungry. My stomach hurts so bad. But I can't eat. My partner made me have lunch today and I managed half of what they gave me which wasn't much to start with, and only because they sat next to me and waited. And dinner, their mum made soup, and I managed a few mouthfuls. This has been going on for days. I thought I had been getting better. I was managing at least one proper meal a day. But now I can't.

I wish I could eat, it would stop my stomach hurting, it would mean I'd...
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Posted June 29th 2015 at 05:18 AM by Evanesco (Lost in Time and Space)

i got an email from my mum. i feel sick. i dont know how to talk to her. i should never have come out in the first place. this is awful.

im such a shitty person. im such a shitty, shitty person.
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Star Trek and dumplings

Posted June 28th 2015 at 01:21 AM by Evanesco (Lost in Time and Space)

Some things are nice. Some things are enjoyable. Even though I'm incredibly overwhelmed and bordering on suicidal. I can still watch Star Trek. My partner made me nice food and I was able to eat it. Yeah I felt guilty but I ate it.

But I can't go much longer without my meds. I'm in a constant state of extreme anxiety. I can't sleep properly. I can't do anything. I need to pack up and clean the whole house by Tuesday. I have an interview I'm not prepared for. I sent my mum an email...
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Can't cope (trig)

Posted June 27th 2015 at 12:51 PM by Evanesco (Lost in Time and Space)

I'm too tired and ill to function. I'm off my meds so my mood is rock bottom. I can't see any way through this. I feel suicidal again. It doesn't feel like there's any other way out. I can't do this. I have so much to do just to be able to get by, like contacting my landlords, sorting out a new phone, cleaning the entire house, sorting out a new debit card so I can pay rent. I can't cope because that's too much to do while I'm this ill, but I have an illness that no one fucking believes in so there's...
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Insomnia returns

Posted June 25th 2015 at 04:34 AM by Evanesco (Lost in Time and Space)

I'm having lots of trouble sleeping at the moment. It really sucks. I'm sat here watching the regular show, eating chocolate spread and feeling miserable at 4 am because I'm out of meds.

I need to get more meds. I wish they could give me something to help me sleep as well.

I wish I could always sleep, I wish I never had to be awake.

I feel shit.
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Posted June 23rd 2015 at 11:08 PM by Evanesco (Lost in Time and Space)

I had a date with Alex today. They took me out in the wheelchair and we had bubble tea and Chinese take out and watched Rent (which made me cry so much).

It was really nice.

I also went to the doctors to get my prescription, but they fucked up and I still don't have my antidepressants. I feel to anxious to go and make an appointment which is bad because I'm already battling suicidal feelings without them.

I think the doctors hate me. It's because they...
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Posted June 21st 2015 at 02:29 AM by Evanesco (Lost in Time and Space)

I should be asleep. I find it hard enough to get up in the mornings without having a late night. But I'm still awake. And I feel like shit. I know it's because I ran out of meds so I haven't taken any in a couple of days. Which sucks. If I can last till Tuesday, I should get more then.

I wish Alex was here. I really need cuddles. I guess that's the problem with being poly. It's not my turn tonight.

I feel like self harming, but that's abuse right? Even though it's not...
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Posted June 11th 2015 at 01:28 PM by Evanesco (Lost in Time and Space)

In an attempt to be positive and fend off these depressive thoughts (Harri, stop forgetting to take your meds), I'm going to make a list of good things.

I've added three meals a day to my habitrpg, and I seem to be accomplishing it, more often than not.

I turned up a day early rather than a day late for my interview. Not an ideal situation, but I do still have a chance at getting the job.

I have nice food coming this afternoon.

I got through...
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