Posted June 11th 2015 at 01:28 PM by Evanesco
In an attempt to be positive and fend off these depressive thoughts (Harri, stop forgetting to take your meds), I'm going to make a list of good things.
I've added three meals a day to my habitrpg, and I seem to be accomplishing it, more often than not.
I turned up a day early rather than a day late for my interview. Not an ideal situation, but I do still have a chance at getting the job.
I have nice food coming this afternoon.
I got through the night without self harming.
Not a particularly long list, but better than nothing.
I've added three meals a day to my habitrpg, and I seem to be accomplishing it, more often than not.
I turned up a day early rather than a day late for my interview. Not an ideal situation, but I do still have a chance at getting the job.
I have nice food coming this afternoon.
I got through the night without self harming.
Not a particularly long list, but better than nothing.
Total Comments 1
Posted June 12th 2015 at 02:00 AM by ¯|_(ツ)_|¯