hehe I'll just casually ramble on about ridiculous things and random weirdness... and a few other things too. i'll try to keep thing 100% true, but if i exaggerate a little... I'll pretend my dad was a fisherman :P
Heat,Hugs and Tomato flavoured Smoothies
Posted October 27th 2012 at 12:45 PM by Duet With Myself
okay, so we were in McDonalds and three of us girls sat down and waited for the two guys to come. The other girls dared me to run up to each of them screaming 'I LOVE YOUUU' and give them a hug. So i did, mainly since it was one of their birthdays. We sat for a while, and when nobody else turned up, we went inside the actual place. They literally sat there for ages, talking dirty, and i just sat there looking out the window like an idiot. I got sick of it, got up (to order my lunch at like two o clock. I got up, one of the guys called me, I was walking backwards at this point, and one of the service girls was walking out to the car waiting bay with a smoothie, she kinda tripped and smoothie splattered all over me... my 'friends' made a crude joke, (I havent hung out with these guys in ages) and I went to the bathrooms and wiped my back off. I went back out, still feeling disgusting, as the back of my onesie was stuck to my back, like a layer of slime on my skin. My acquaintances were still in hysterics by the time i got back to the table, so I quickly ate my food, and mumbled something about having to go somewhere. I got home, had a shower and changed into my turquoise onesie. Yeah I felt horrible for a while after that. I was on TH for a while, and I learnt so many things as I do always. I had 'dinner'... Good job dad, you made something edible! and here I am listening to music and awaiting a bath! I hope this is alright... Oh who cares! Love you all 

Total Comments 1
Posted October 27th 2012 at 07:00 PM by Just Peachy.