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Swimming ? I need a smoke...

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Posted July 14th 2011 at 02:09 AM by dredear

Today was good and bad.
I went shopping with Blake and got Jamie a spiderman game for playstation2. (His birthday is in a couple days) I also applied at a couple places for a job. After we went shopping me and Blake took Jamie to the lake down the road. I brought my camera with me just to take pictures. I was hoping to post them. But I was standing on a rock trying to take a picture and clumsy ol' me slipped and fell in the water. Oh and I can't swim. There was a little old lady laughing at me cause I was freaking out, Untill she realized I was drowning :P Some dude jumped in and saved me ! (Blake can swim but he sucks at it, and he's scared of water) After I thanked him I freaked out some more, Because my camera is now at the bottom of a lake.
Bill doesn't understand why I got so upset, Until he found out it costed me $600. That took me so long to get !
Oh and in even better news, I can't forget about her. I can't forget what I saw.
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  1. Old Comment
    Coffee.'s Avatar
    I'm so sorry about your camera! That sucks. :\ Feel better!
    Posted July 14th 2011 at 02:18 AM by Coffee. Coffee. is offline
  2. Old Comment
    WhisperingSilence's Avatar
    awww maybe find out about some local swim classes and get some swimming lessons sorted. Hopefully then you can go swimming with your friends and if you fall into water you will be able to swim we don't want you drowning!!!! Shame about the camera. Was the camera insured ? if it was go to the shop and tell them its in the bottom of a lake from where you fell in the lake. they might be able to replace it for free if it was insured. most camera's come with a years guarantee. Some even come with a two years guarantee.
    Posted July 14th 2011 at 11:11 AM by WhisperingSilence WhisperingSilence is offline
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