What Is Life All About?
Posted May 19th 2013 at 03:15 PM by cutting_out_lifes_stress
It's a question that everyone asks, but what is the true answer? Well, I imagine it is different for everyone. To me, life is about compassion for others. It's like the "pay it forward" mindset. Having deep compassion for others is (in my opinion) one of the keys to happiness, for everyone. Think about it, if everyone in the world genuinely cared for one another and helped one another as they should, life on earth would be PERFECT.
Obviously something like this can't happen because there are just some very corrupt people in this world. What counts is how YOU treat others. Helping people is always the most fulfilling enjoyment I've ever witnessed. Especially when your actions are appreciated. Everyone knows what that feels like. Do I need someone to recognize my compassion? No, but it is nice when they do. True compassion is helping others and not expecting anything in return. It's doing what is right, and EVERYONE knows right from wrong. It's human nature. We're put here on earth to live and survive, and no where does it say that we can't do it together.
Obviously something like this can't happen because there are just some very corrupt people in this world. What counts is how YOU treat others. Helping people is always the most fulfilling enjoyment I've ever witnessed. Especially when your actions are appreciated. Everyone knows what that feels like. Do I need someone to recognize my compassion? No, but it is nice when they do. True compassion is helping others and not expecting anything in return. It's doing what is right, and EVERYONE knows right from wrong. It's human nature. We're put here on earth to live and survive, and no where does it say that we can't do it together.

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