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Posted October 6th 2017 at 06:37 PM by Jess~
Updated October 6th 2017 at 09:50 PM by obelus (Adding a prefix.)

how the fuck are genitals not related to a person's sex.

honestly our society as a whole is breaching an entirely new era of mental retardation.

i have never once heard a good argument as to how being "genderfluid" is more of a gender and less of a fucking personality.
you can't just make up some random bullshit and expect everyone else to accept it without any logical backing whatsoever.
but that's exactly what's happening more and more frequently, and it's extremely detrimental to our society.
isn't it a bit off-putting to you idiots? these fake genders are tainting the LGBT community, SPECIFICALLY the trans community. they're making trans people look absolutely dysfunctional in the head. shocking as it may be, i - someone who tends to agree with the conservative side of things - actually support the trans community. i know that it's a legitimate defect, where a person can be born in the wrong body. that very reason, actually, is why i don't support the hideously unoriginal "52 gender" bitches, who think they don't have any gender one day, and then both genders the next. they are delegitimizing trans people and causing even more hatred towards that group. which is sad, because one group is a real, awful and stressful thing to be born into, and one group is just a trendy, cool label because they weren't unique enough as a person.

people aren't allowed to debate or ask questions anymore without being labeled, "racist" "transphobic" "sexist" etc.
i will always be labeled as an oppressor, simply because my skin produces less melanin and because i don't need a fake, "trendy new gender!1!" to make me special and different.

we're being censored to the point where freedom of speech isn't free anymore.
feelings > facts, right? insufferable morons.

and our president? YOUR president? no matter what he does good, the ridiculous conclusion that "he's a white supremacist meanie!" will always cloud your judgement of him.
isn't prejudice what these people on the left are constantly "fighting" against?

my god.
do some fucking research.
use your brain for the first time in your life.

there was a point where i tried to understand the point of view that leftists, liberals, sjws, feminists, blm supporters, antifa, etc. were coming from.
i really did try. i asked questions and wanted to learn what the fuck they're doing this for, because there has to be a reason, right?
they're just lazy fucks who want to push the blame of their own life failures onto an innocent victim.
sad thing is, anyone who is mentally competent enough to understand that the wage gap doesn't exist, white privilege isn't a thing, that gender ISN'T a fucking social construct, and that nobody in the western fucking world is oppressed... gets shut down. they are screeched at and called a bigot. there is no room for a friendly and respectful debate anymore.
you know why?
these idiots know they're going to lose, because there is absolutely no evidence for their ridiculous mindset.

if anyone actually read this rant, i sincerely hope you're severely triggered right now. but before you comment how "privileged" i am, and how i need to get "woke", and then cite a shitload of cosmopolitan and buzzfeed articles, i would love it if you looked at these youtube accounts.
it might just be the first bit of truth you've ever heard.

Some Black Guy : a black male who talks about how oppression against minorities doesn't exist and how he doesn't support BLM.
Blaire White : a transgender who believes there are only 2 genders and perpetuates more conservative views.
Nuance Bro : if you care enough to check out any of these, this is who i recommend, because he lets the left do the talking for themselves. he only interviews people, in a non-biased and respectful manner, and lets them reveal their own stupidity.
Andywarski : not for the easily triggered.
Hunter Avallone : makes very intelligent and educated videos, effectively explaining why the left is idiotic.
No Bullshit : explain how everything i ranted about is bullshit.
StevenCrowder : honestly sometimes i feel like he can be too offensive and doesn't really get the point across, but still has some view worthy content.
EazyOnMe : a brown guy who exposes racism against white people.
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  1. Old Comment
    Storyteller.'s Avatar
    Hi there!

    Quick note: genitals are absolutely relevant to somebody's biological sex. Gender, however, is a social construct, and doesn't always line up with what someone was assigned at birth. There are cultures out there with more than two genders, so it's entirely possible that part of the reason you're finding it hard to understand this concept is that you were (I assume) raised in a society where you were told that there were two options. Male or female. One or the other. Not neither, not both, not something else. If you were raised in a society where multiple genders was the norm, you'd probably think differently. So when you say "our society", I'm assuming you're talking about your society and your experiences, which are definitely not universal.

    I find it curious that you mentioned being unable to ask questions without being given labels, but if I recall correctly you actually asked a question in the forums on this topic and I'm pretty sure most of the responses you got were polite and didn't resort to name-calling. I'm not even going to touch on the race topic as that's not really relevant to the main point of this rant, i.e. gender, but I will mention that there is definitely disparity and discrimination in the western world. Maybe you've never experienced it, maybe it doesn't happen often where you live, but it is real, and it is incredibly damaging to the people affected. (And hey, look, I phrased that politely and without calling you a bigot!)

    I must admit I'm having a little trouble grasping why you're drawing the line at transgender people being legitimate and genderfluid people being somehow ''fake''. If a trans person is somebody who believes they're in the wrong body, why is it it any different for somebody who feels like they're in the right body one day and not in the next? I highly doubt you feel exactly the same way about your body every single day; maybe one day you think a certain hairstyle suits you but change your mind the next day, maybe one day you feel comfortable with your body shape and the next you wish you could change it. Couldn't the same be true for people who are genderfluid? That one day their body matches up with their mind and then their mind changes and the body doesn't feel right anymore? Also, remember that not every trans people will actually transition. Are those that don't any less valid than those who do?

    You mention prejudice against a certain president (who, by the way, isn't my president), which I find interesting. Since you mention judgement being clouded, do you think perhaps that could apply to your own situation? That because you believe there are only two genders, you automatically assume that anyone who claims otherwise is doing it for attention? Regardless of any evidence to the contrary? Because in essence you're telling people that they aren't valid, which is the kind of attitude that the trans community has had to deal with for way too long. How is perpetuating this cycle going to help the trans community? Or anyone, for that matter? Just because you don't understand somebody's identity does not make it any less valid.

    Personally, I consider myself reasonably mentally competent - enough to get me through an entire university degree, anyhow. I'm also pretty good at researching... and I'm also good at empathy, and tolerance. I can respect people who are different to me, and not feel the need to dismiss their experience or their identity because it's not something I understand. I don't need to understand everything. I just need to remember that everyone is on their own path and has their own way of going through life, and that if the way they're doing that isn't hurting anybody, then there's no reason for me to get bent out of shape about it.

    Remember that your failure to understand a certain point of view does not invalidate that perspective. From what I've seen, people have offered you reasons or explanations for how they identify, and it's not their fault if you choose not to acknowledge them or if you just can't understand them. You've mentioned that you don't understand what it's like to ''feel'' like a sex (although I'll assume you meant gender), which is fine... but just because it's something you haven't experienced doesn't mean it's not real. Maybe you'll never understand it, and that's perfectly okay - as long as you don't go around trying to make other people feel like the way they identify is somehow ''fake'' or ''wrong'' or ''made up''. Let people live their lives, even if you don't understand it.

    a genderqueer person who is most definitely not doing anything for attention or to be trendy and who is simply trying to live the life that feels right
    Posted October 7th 2017 at 07:55 AM by Storyteller. Storyteller. is offline
  2. Old Comment
    NeuroBeautiful's Avatar
    Sounds like you're really hurt that you find the need to say some hateful things. Maybe people being labeled sexist racist and trabsphobic are not actually asking questions to understand.
    There's a huge difference between asking to listen and understand and asking to shut the other person up and answer the questions yourself.

    People have lived experiences and there are facts to back it up. But surely you can do your own resesrch, hmmm.Even though there are millions of stories about being oppressed in the western world. We all are making it up so we can be a special snowflake, right? Hahaha. =_=
    Posted October 7th 2017 at 06:49 PM by NeuroBeautiful NeuroBeautiful is offline
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